Your quips & quotes are needed


Registered Guest
Overheard (you know who you are) & now being shared for your thoughts & suggestions:

The Editorial in the latest Bazaar starts out:

"With designers eyeing the past to create clothes that will sell now and in the future, fashion's having a vintage year."

So far, so good.

"Vintage. Vintage. Vintage. This was the topic of conversation during tha fall collections. Whether it was buyers placing bets on which pieces from Tom Ford's Gucci finale would some day end up in a museum or editors chatting about which creations on the runway were inspired by designers of yore, one couldn't avoid discussing the future of fashions from the past and present. It should be noted, however, that no one was running off to actually buy vintage: The fall collections are so chockablock with retro references and resale potential, shoppers can easily satisfy their desire for vintage just by buying pieces from the recent fall runways...."

<b>Somehow, we have to promote the idea that authentic vintage is special, one of a kind, must-have wearables!</b>

Like I said before, someone with a gift for gab needs to come up with a statement that we can all put in our auctions. Something stating why one should buy the true vintage instead of the new, vintage inspired.

.....I think you are quite right. I noticed that in the March issue of Vogue, that virtually everything was in fashion from c. 1947 - 1982 and that it was all available today from various different designers. The only thing that seems to get better money is when you have a MINT condition top designer dress that will, theoretically, increase with value over time, like a Pucci dress.

Let's brainstorm and ramble.......

True Vintage for the Vintage Lover

Be True to your Vintage

Original Vintage or Vintage Inspired?

Vintage-inspired or Original Inspiration?
When a copy just won't do.......

Ramble along with me, people........

.....this would be a great discussion topic.

<b>What short, to-the-point comment/motto/eye-catcher can we use to market our vintage items & steer clients to us rather than new copies?</b>
Actually Brenda, I like your very last little jingle....

Vintage-inspired or Original Inspiration?
When a copy just won't do......

I think this is snappy and catchy and says it all. One of the main
advantages to wearing true vintage and not a copy is (usually) the
one-of-a-kind uniqueness of the garment. Not to mention the quality
of construction and fabric.

Copies may look nice, but will they last through several washings or
dry-cleanings? And, will you see your 'twin' out on the street next time you
go out?

Avoid pale imitations - Shop Vintage!

(To paraphrase D&G latest Tee Shirts) - J'Adore Original Vintage

Vintage - the only way to BE
I really like
<i>Vintage-inspired or Original Inspiration?
When a copy just won't do......</i>

I also think that the <i> Avoid pale imitations</i> take is good.

What's really fascinating about <i>Bazaar's</i> statement is how it just sums up the consumerism that our culture is known for. It used to be that a stylish woman would pour over her lastest fashion magazine to look for inspiration and ideas to update her existing wardrobe. The idea of buying something new that had an old look would have been absurd! And when I was young and poor in the 70s, and into the 80s, I looked to the vintage originals that were being copied by the designers.

But now I read that I "can satisfy my desire for vintage" by buying a new $2000 Prada scenic skirt, instead of running off to buy an authentic 1950s scenic for less than a 10th of that figure.

I guess the good news here is that I know NO ONE who actually buys Prada skirts, but I know lots who buy and wear the vintage original, regardless of what the designers are showing for the season. And there are millions of women who don't know, nor do they care, about what the major designers were showing for spring. They just care about what is available at Talbots or Sears or Walmart. Maybe those are the women we need to expose to the vintage market.

A good example is my friend Jill. She's 40 years old and NEVER been in a vintage clothing or thrift store. Last week I went on a business trip with her - she went to meetings and I went shopping for vintage. She was blown away by my finds, which included a Davidow copy of a Chanel suit, an Oleg Cassini Jackie K. era dress, and an Issey Miyake skirt. I may have a convert on my hands.:)

Sorry to have veered off track, Brenda.;)

From one of my ebay listings...actually for the 70s windbreaker I have up now...

"Why pay big bucks for the retro inspired look when you can own the REAL THING?"

I really like this idea...keep those ideas coming. But, if we are promoting this in our listings are we not "preaching to the choir" so to speak? is one little catch phrase -

<b>Wear vintage...the style original!</b>
"Wear vintage....the style original"

that's good too!

Bonnie, yes, we probably are preaching to the choir, but I guess we have to start somewhere. I will sometimes cross list in contemporary
clothing (make sure that I do have Vintage in the title), if I have
something that is a vintage original of a modern style. Even though it will
cost a bit to do this, it may help spread the word!

"They just don't make 'em like they used to..."

That's about as creative as I can get tonite. But I just may wake up to an epiphany. Ya never know when my muse might take a notion to smack me 'cross the head. LOL

BTW - I Love " the style original."

As well as Brenda's "Vintage-inspired or The Original Inspiration?
When a copy just won't do......"

And Margaret's "Vintage - the only way to BE"

My - ain't I decisive tonite?

Here is my silly contribution. It is also my favorite self portrait. ;)

Whatcha think? Is it ME or what, lol?

<br><img src=>
Well, sure, 'cept for you bein' a captivatin' beauty in real life, Timber.

I LOVE 'Just say, "No" to retro!'


"Captivating Beauty", Steph, I really like that! The most I usually get is "So Cute", lol. My dogs are cute. Puss in Boots (have ya'll seen Shrek 2?), now he is CUTE! I muchly prefer captivating beauty! ;)
I'm really corny at this sort of thing...Would never get a job at a radio
station for doing jingles but I will give it a try...

Deck Yourself Out In Vintage ~ Only the Original Will Do!

Late, but...

Wear vintage copies. It's easier than being original.
