Youth-e-fect Frock

I thought I had seen something similar to this posted in recent months but could't find - probably not searching correctly - sorry if I am asking for repeat info. I was at a church rummage sale and found this hanging on the rack. No other damage except one small hole.

I am assuming this is meant to wear over something (one would hope) - was it a slip or a thin underdress? same color? Dress has a side zip metal talon zipper but I still think it could be a replacement. It has very tiny teeth and a very small pull - or is this one era doing another era?

Well - basically any and all thoughts appreciated. I haven't had luck with the Reg. No. which is strange but will keep at that part of it.

Thanks all!



Great find, Maureen!

It would have been worn over a matching same color (opaque) slip. I can see '30's and '40's in it. Am I seeing big shoulder pads??? If so I would go with '40's. The label looks more '50's to me but the shoulder pads (if they are there) would make it earlier. I've seen similar sheer garments in the late '30's but that type of shoulder pad looks later. Maybe you could show a close view of them?

I think the zipper sounds original.

Couple summers ago I came across a similar dress. It had a matching underslip. Around 1940 I was able to ascertain from the accompanying family photos in which many of the clothing was worn. Strike up the Band era.