You've got to love a suit.....

You\'ve got to love a suit.....


....that comes with a matching cape!


See the buttons under the collar? That's how you attach the cape.

1950's Rothmoor tweed suit with matching cape at Couture Allure.

When I see a suit that distinctive it makes me wish even more that I were employed so I could wear it to work.

Fantastic find, Jody. And I love that soft, heathered oatmeal look.
It's so beautifully tailored. The cape has a side panel that is seamed to match the curve of the sleeve-armhole seam so it fits just right. I love the drama of it.
"When I see a suit that distinctive it makes me wish even more that I were employed so I could wear it to work."

Half the reason I opened a b+m!!

Love the colour Jody. Caped suits are definitely the way to go!