YSL and Dior Belts....How to Date?


Registered Guest
They CAME with the assortment of shoes and things I got yesterday that were all late 60s to early 70s. Box full, labeled "fashion belts", all belts look 60s ish (really cool mod ones, etc). But no idea how to know for sure on these. Any thoughts or tips on dating belts? I dont normally see good ones, just the plain ones that go with dresses! Thanks...Ang


I think belts are among the hardest to date. I dont think it matters if you are specific, maybe just the decade if possible.

I cant speak for the Dior, but I sold THIS YSL last year and was blown away by the price and the interest.

If you list, they will buy!!
Holy buckets, Brenda, thats one of the coolest belts I've ever seen! This collection of belts is pretty amazing, as belts go. I opened the box and went, ack, a box of BELTS? The top ones were super cool 60s mod leathers....then the next were little plastic discs set into stretch metal that reverse to a different color.....some killer leather sashes, an obi, more chains....she really had good belts! A sampling...

There's a wide brown leather one, soft & scrunchy that is superb....especially right now w/ styles as they are, everything belted! I need to do a serious belt photoshoot today if its sunny!

Thanks, I hadn't really thought of 80s yet but now that you mention it it A) does look 80s and B) I can picture some other belts in the box being 80s as well, so it makes sense.
