YSL Clip on Earrings What Year? Are they worth anything?


Registered Guest
Hello everyone,

I have recently acquired 2 pairs of YSL clip on earrings. They have the YSL stamp and look very vintage, but I can not find them anywhere on the internet. I have searched every term I can think of and have gone though many many pages of earrings, but can not find these.

Does anyone have any idea what year they were made? I would like to eventually sell, but I don't want to lowball myself. Thank you for any help you can offer. These were a doozy for me.

EDIT: After posting this I thought hmm these might be sunflowers instead of daisy's. I searched that term and was able to find a pair of the black ones, but still lost on year or any information really.



  • 20210129_110103.jpg
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Those look like a 1980s style and size, but I'm not a jewelry expert. I hope one of our jewelry people will come along to give their thoughts on the era.
hi, Wendy! first of all, these are VERY pretty earrings! congratulations! next, i see that a couple of VFGers have suggested 1980s as dating for these, and would add that they're quite similar to a pair i had (not YSL), which were early-early 90s.