VFG Member
Since I value your opinions so much when it comes to dating dresses, I thought I would share this here and I hope it’s alright. I decided to clone my real 1923 dress by using it as a pattern. I bought a roll of brown package paper, laid my dress on top and traced it. I used a red flat sheet from Walmart for the dress. I couldn’t find anything I liked in the fabric store and I thought it didn’t matter much since it was supposed to be a trial run. Then I found this fantastic red net fabric with embroidered flowers and decided to upgrade my bed sheet dress. lol I used the fancy fabric on the skirt and the belt, and then cut out the flowers and leaves to do the appliqués. They are currently just pinned in place until I decide how to attach them. I mean to do the back too and bring the flowers right over the shoulders. Anyway, just a fun project. I have matching shoes (modern) and a black 1920s cloche to wear with it, once I get it all done.