NEW TO THE FORUMS? Please introduce yourself here! 2023

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Information Center - Welcome to the Forums' started by denisebrain, Jan 11, 2023.

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  1. Ivan Jacquard

    Ivan Jacquard Registered Guest

    Hi everyone! I’m Ivan from Ukraine, i’ve been collecting and selling vintage and modern fashion items for about 8 years. It’s my first time on a fashion forum, so I’m looking forward to broadening my knowledge and getting to know people who also have a special place in their heart for fashion. Wish a great day (or night) to whoever’s reading this. Thank you ❤️
  2. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

  3. Breezy Taylor Morgan

    Breezy Taylor Morgan Registered Guest

    Hi, I'm Breezy. What a cool page Nd so refreshing to see I am not alone. I am an enthusiast that has collected an enormous collection of vintage lingerie over the years. Too enormous but never tooooo enormous right. I am hoping for an interesting time on here to meet other enthusiasts. Thanks for the warm welcome. Your fun friend to the end.

    Breezy Taylor Morgan
    Shusteroo and wyogems like this.
  4. Brice99

    Brice99 Registered Guest

    I appreciate "old stuff" and find I've collected several things from my parents and grandparents solely because no one wanted them. I'd like to find out more about them so I'll be posting some photos and maybe someone will recognize these items.
    Shusteroo and wyogems like this.
  5. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

  6. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

    good morning, Alyce, just now seeing your post, sorry for the delay in getting back to you!
    most likely, the "repetitive notices" are generated when someone "likes" your post, I see 3 of us have done so. That's just to let you know that someone has paid attention to what you have posted, it's a good thing! :)

    welcome again!
  7. wyogems

    wyogems VFG Member

    Not new. But I recently became "active".

    I have been taking care of my mother with great intensity since she went blind in 2020 at the age of 95. It was overnight and she had 20/25 vision the night before, it was bleeding caused by blood thinner, but no help was available during Covid.

    Still she continued to live by herself next door to me. Brave woman! I could not have done that. She built a little granny house she designed around her 1950s A Brant Texas Ranch Oak furniture and got a mortgage at the age of 89, they could not discriminate as to age, lol.

    She is the lady in my profile and she was born in 1925. She worked at MGM in the 40s and was one of the first Stewardesses out there working for Western Airlines.

    So now I am back to working on my business and very happy to be so.

    Love the VFG vintage resource!
  8. dlajetky08

    dlajetky08 Registered Guest

    Hey there, i'm Mia ! Excitedly diving into the world of online vintage fashion with my grandmother-in-law's fabulous collection of clothes and shoes. Eager to tap into the resources here as I embark on this journey. Thanks a bunch!
    Shusteroo and wyogems like this.
  9. Shusteroo

    Shusteroo VFG Member

    Your mum sounds amazing! So sorry to hear she lost her sight overnight, how sad - but it's great that she felt confident to continue to live by herself, with you nearby to support her. Lovely photo, she's beautiful. Good luck with your business (and I hope you got that call back from Etsy!).
    dlajetky08 and wyogems like this.
  10. Cory_m

    Cory_m Registered Guest

    Hi there,
    I'm Cory.
    I love unique items and the stories some of them carry with them.
    I wish I can know the story of all of them. I live in Orange County Calif, grew up in Los Angeles, and Hollywood. Fashion is very alot slower and more forgiving in Hollywood than OC.
    I have had many opportunities to find beautiful unique items in thrift shops there.
    When I travel I always love to walk in to a thrift shop, I'm never expecting anything, just love the surroundings.

    poshthreads and Shusteroo like this.
  11. amandainvermont

    amandainvermont VFG Member

    Hi @Cory_m Welcome. Feel free to share your thrift shop vintage clothing and accessories in these forums. If you have any questions, we will try to help.
    dlajetky08 and Cory_m like this.
  12. Lynne Forth

    Lynne Forth Registered Guest

    Hi there, I'm Lynne! I'm a costume designer for a university in Virginia with a love for vintage fashion and history. Excited to be here!
  13. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

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