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  1. Another Time Antiques


    Kind of a a reminder about store goods....:USETHUMBUP: But also - I have to say I LOVE my new VFG tote bag!!! It has become my daily satchell. Big and roomy and very sturdy!! Great product!
  2. Another Time Antiques

    Slightly OT But Textile/Fabric Related!

    Just want to take an opportunity to let Rochester--Buffalo-Syracuse and near area members know about our town's Covered in Quilts 2005 festival. It is this Fri and Sat Aug 12 & 13. 10--5. Over 500!!!! quilts are going to be on exhibit around the towns of Caledonia and Mumford. There's also...
  3. Another Time Antiques

    OT: Now this is cool & a little scary

    :headbang: sorry....... old soul here from the days when "1984" was a scarey thought! If the public has this kind of access.....where "on earth" do you suppose the gov't military has progressed to??????? Guess I still revel in the old idea that somehow privacy is a good thing.:( Boy...
  4. Another Time Antiques

    Still some summer fun items!

    I have one mannequin all decked up for a trip to Jamaica!! (And we're really going there for a beach wedding!!!!!) But alas....of course not my size.:o But here's the cuties! There ya go! One complete ensemble for a day at the beach = or mall! Each item...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    TaDa!! Our New Website!

    Hollis..... it's stunning and the stock is ..... oh just speechless!! Kudos to you!! and I love those fashion plate border bands! Very striking!
  6. Another Time Antiques

    Link Exchanging

    More Links Thanks Chris for opening up this topic! You and I are already linked....but have u2u'd (that's a funny phrase!) some of the other folks. And I'm always intersted in Links with others too! Drop me a note!
  7. Another Time Antiques

    WANTED: Ties

    ties will send you a box full that I'm "ready to let go" ..... aka... don't want to look at 'em anymore! :D So $cheap$ we won't divuge here!!!!! :BAGUSE: Just tried to u2u you and it says "doesn't exist"... hmmm? Thought you'd like to know! drop me an email if you want more still...
  8. Another Time Antiques

    1939 Life & '46 Life

    1939 Life & \'46 Life ask..... why am I mentioning this here?? Because the ads and articles for these issues are loaded with great fashion & period design. for eg: in 1946 10th Anniversary ads on Robler Shoes for Men DeBeers Diamonds Marshall Field 2pg spread Jantzen sweaters...
  9. Another Time Antiques

    The perfect backdrop

    Chris....couldn't agree more.....I think lots of us are just closet photo journalistic artists that love selling online so we can "play"!!! Great photo!---- and uh, the tie is cute too.... hehehe:D
  10. Another Time Antiques

    So when do YOU stop.....

    I'm feelin' itchy wool syndrome already.... Just wondering, how far thru summer do you think it's reasonable to keep offering summer vintage stuff?? Would love to hear what others do to "change seasons" Right now I'm doing clearance specials in my shop (online and B&M) to sell off the...
  11. Another Time Antiques

    hows about a whole LOT of jewelry!!!

    :USING: No fooling........ this lot is currently going for 9.99 and I mean it...... NO RESERVE! 40 PIECES Of vintage costume jewelry! The bunnies are growing in my cupboards and I have to thin it out!! Great source of beads/findings if you re-create your own treasures too!
  12. Another Time Antiques

    Summer Straw/Leather Bags for fun!

    Just an update...... only the brown basket/leather and orange/grn purse sold on ebay. I have the treasure chest and floral tote bags in the Mall now and the navy/white is coming soon....along with a fab. navy/wht 1940s dress. :)
  13. Another Time Antiques

    1860'S boy's dress?

    Lei- That is a fabulous find and truely a treasure--boy or girl! Something that I always notice is that European clothing and American clothing are ususally fews years apart in terms of age/popularity. This of course makes sense in that fashions took time to become popular here. If it were...
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Summer Straw/Leather Bags for fun!

    beginning to wonder if maybe I waited too late to list these bags. The hits are really low...... :booze:
  15. Another Time Antiques

    Summer Straw/Leather Bags for fun!

    Someone stopped in the shop yesterday to show me her basket box purse she just bought for $100 plus!!! (New of course). Well here's a couple cuties that I've listed .....while I take off for the weekend at the lake! Yippee!!!!!!! to Bloody Mary's in...
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Plastic Jewelry experts! Need help!

    just a couple more comments... a little late. Here's some food for thought. Think of the plastics industry history (going back into mid 1800s) and the volumes and varieties of composition used in accessory items: thermoset, bakelite, casein, lucite, celluloid, and on and on. A few degrees...
  17. Another Time Antiques

    The last bathing suit!

    nope Same old Same old ...... you can list in women's clothing swimwear or vintage womens clothes other. Sorry subject ... and I know a pandora's box but I HATE ebay categories for vintage jewelry and vintage fashions!!!!!!!!1:barf:
  18. Another Time Antiques

    The last bathing suit!

    fun and funky...... and actually I really like this one!!!! Wish it fit me ol' bod! 1960s bathing suit 9.99 to go! ....hey there's no good categories for vintage sport wear. Hmmmm......
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Moving Sale!

    so where ya goin? Hopefully this is a goodie move and nothing storm related!!! Whooo---that's a great sale!:hiya:
  20. Another Time Antiques

    My Window Manni...

    So how's this for a bright summer dress! Just listed her this week on ebay.... (Auction is for the dress only.) Of my bunch of funky prints.....this one is my favorite!:USETHUMBUP: and I know you're gonna ask...... sorry the purse just sold last weekend......
  21. Another Time Antiques

    sweet model.....great hat!

    She is one of my most favorite visitors! Loves to model for me!!! Mom too.... remember the red/wht and edwardian dresses?? That's her mom. Great folks!
  22. Another Time Antiques

    sweet model.....great hat!

    you have to see the last photo.....
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Can we include....

    :USEGUN::USEROCKY::flaming: sold for $60:headbang:
  24. Another Time Antiques

    Full Circle of Roses!! 1950s FUN!

    L@@k at this sweetie!!!!! Just listed her for auction a couple minutes ago..... Ain't that fun!!!
  25. Another Time Antiques

    Can we include....

    ok then...... drum roll thanks for the interest! Here she is: The Ebay Live auction is located here if you want to see/read more about it. I have to admit.... I especially love this piece and my auctioneer thought it rather blah! Oh well..... Regardless of origin...anyone...
  26. Another Time Antiques

    Can we include....

    can we include early textiles here??? Nothing to wear...but have a piece on an Ebay Live auction this weekend I'd just like to share cause it's early needlework. Of if not but your interested, drop me a note.
  27. Another Time Antiques

    Crinolinegirl Ebay auctions now up!

    Lei.....tell us more about those shoes! I am intriqued with the side expansions being so early!! Any more history available???
  28. Another Time Antiques

    The Star Spangled Fashion Preview!!

    WooHoo! It\'s Sale Time I've got the store stocked up and prepping lots more to add in. Theres bunches and bunches on sale!! Purses, clothes and jewelry too! Here's a just a couple from my shop that are included in the sale.... :love008: And There's...
  29. Another Time Antiques

    July 1st - 4th - Star Spangled Vintage Event on VC-Mall!

    Fab Fab Fab!!! I've already gone through 18 what FABULOUS buys!!!!!!!! This sale is just a super super A++++ feature of our mall shops! Good lucking shopping (and selling :) too) to all!:clapping:
  30. Another Time Antiques

    Check out these Green Patent Leather Heels

    From the Shoe Fairy........ You've got to check these out! green patent leather hi heels with buckles Oh don't stop here.......... look at all the shoes!!!!! :)