Search results

  1. Another Time Antiques

    Jewelry help needed, please!

    more info pls... I have an extensive jewelry ref. and will look him up at the shop today. But being a more modern designer, he may not be included in too many books yet. can you show a small pic of the mark? Are the "flowers" a white pearly material? mother of pearl or other type...
  2. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian Jet Collar & some glitters

    and do take a peeky at the sparkly jewels I listed yesterday and today!!! ;)
  3. Another Time Antiques

    Confetti Anyone?? Lucite that is!!

    yyiippeee Boy has this little dear drawn interest!! Lots of inquiries have come from UK... hmm?? That casing does not have a single mark on it!! I went inside and out! The ONLY item with markings is the lipstick tube which is Revlon. Actually the covers have little metal chips and...
  4. Another Time Antiques

    The VFG Red Carpet Showcase!!

    Get Ready.... stroll & shine! Here's a couple of "adornment" that might be worthy of a carpet stroll!! Vintage 1950s Rhinestone Necklace & coordinating earrings! <img src="" alt="Vintage Rhinestone Necklace & Earrings" border=0>...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    Confetti Anyone?? Lucite that is!!

    This is just a super little vanity compact purse! Take a peeky! Started it very low opener.....:USETHUMBUP:
  6. Another Time Antiques

    1950s patterns & a big Ties lot too!

    If you do anything with colonial days type costuming be sure to check out my board this week for an bunch of vintage patterns from the 1950s. Have several vintage patterns listed that are centennial dress/square dance styles. There's also some little girls 1940s clothing patterns too...
  7. Another Time Antiques

    When did Whiting & Davis make jewelry?

    Whiting & Davis is a company to watch for growth in the vcj markets. They did very strong and dramatic pieces - like intaglio cut cameos and filigree work and well as chain-y jewelry too. Very popular in the 50s and 60s and sold as "better end" costume jewelry. Some sets today are comanding...
  8. Another Time Antiques

    1950-60s Bead Jumbalia! & Unique Fan

    Want a fun group lot of vintage 1950--1960s baubalicious bead necklaces??? This fun group is ..... all plastic! ... but they look so elegant only you will know!! Take a peek at the auction page for individual shots-- And talk about a really unique fashion accessory.... this is a...
  9. Another Time Antiques

    Bunches of 1950s Patterns - Lots Western Style!

    and here\'s some more these are from the same estate as the ones above.... Most of these patterns were never used!!
  10. Another Time Antiques

    Swanky men's robes coming soon!

    Wow.....gorgeous robes!!!! And they all look like such terrific condition too! You should list 'em with some hunky bods in 'em!! Eye Candy for sure!!! :) back in my corner now.....
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Loads up Sunday Night: Egyptian Revival Parure

    Thanks Chris! You are always so kindly complimentary!! It is surely one of my more unique parure's I've had!! I've been a "plastics" fan for years... Plastic designs like this one sure put a new twist on something every one thought was junk 10 years ago!! hehehe.
  12. Another Time Antiques

    Loads up Sunday Night: Egyptian Revival Parure

    A little accessory for the jewelry folks!! This goes live tonight on my auction board with a buy now @ 90.00 Made in Germany! c.1940 with mixed metal & plastics!!
  13. Another Time Antiques

    Pattern Catalogues - 1938 to 1941

    Wow!!!! What a treasure Trove!!!! My secret benefactor wishes me to buy all...... heheh..... just wishing here!! Great find!
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Bunches of 1950s Patterns - Lots Western Style!

    boy.....the hits and interest on these patterns surprised me! The biggest surprise was the dirndle dress! She has the most hits! Several have bids and I added some more from the estate today and one sold right away! I haven't followed the rockabily thing very much.... (remember... I...
  15. Another Time Antiques

    Who is this woman? Who is this artist? What kind of art is this?

    first look at it and I went ..... Joan Baez!! Probably not her...just made me think of her! Very op art look. I like that!
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Vintage Clothing & Antique Textile Show & Sale

    wow...reading over the list of names makes me miss doing the show circuit!! Lots of names there I knew way way back in Stratford show. If you haven't "done" a vintage clothing show as a shopper ..... do treat yourself! The magic that comes together especially in vintage fashions and textiles...
  17. Another Time Antiques

    Keyword suggestions for this no hitter bag pls

    ooohhhh good pointers! Sometimes I forget to not focus the camera so heavily on just the object!! Interesting point! And boy you are rignt about the impact timing thing on ebay! Actually I've always thought people would be looking "ahead" but now I think of it that's probably not the case...
  18. Another Time Antiques

    Keyword suggestions for this no hitter bag pls

    so...... guess maybe I just should not have listed now??? I tend to always run a little too far ahead of the trends. It's a strange phenomena...but it's true. I'll finish off selling a "group of stuff" I've had a long time and two months later it busts out big time!!! Used to drive me...
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Keyword suggestions for this no hitter bag pls

    Thanks Chris.... some good pointers and I just updated the auction wording a little. .....and yes.....true confession. I did up the opening price because I panicked (Have her tagged in the shop at $45). With so few few hits, I'm not willing to "lose" this little beauty at 9.99...... :)...
  20. Another Time Antiques

    What do I make of this necklace?

    ooppss double post, excuse pls! Fingers slipped!
  21. Another Time Antiques

    What do I make of this necklace?

    Hi Chris - Definitely pulls in the feel of the 1950s, especially West Germany work. Plastic jewelry has been around for a very long time.... but in the post WWII era of Western Germany they really did some fun stuff with plastic beads. Good collectible starting! Is the clasp marked...
  22. Another Time Antiques

    Native American ?? 19th C beadwork bag

    Do we have any experts on Native American beadwork bags here??? I would love some other's comments/opinions on this little bag. Here's what I can offer: it dates to mid 1800s, c.1850-1880, is very fine beads and complete & tight beadwork. It is ONLY 4 3/4 inches long!! There are two...
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Keyword suggestions for this no hitter bag pls

    I know these little bags are not rare or anything but this sweetie is in mint condition. But after 3 days she's not had hardly any hits!!! Even spent the $$ to double categorize it. Do you have some suggestions for better title - keywords?? auction writeup Any suggestions are...
  24. Another Time Antiques

    Need Help with Lilli Ann

    Is that gaberdine as well???? Yummy! Oh...what a terrific jacket for any season. If it fits you ... you will hate yourself for ever selling it!!!!! ;)
  25. Another Time Antiques

    Guaranteed to Sparkle your Day!

    I have some great vintage jewelry accessories on the auction board right now ..... but THIS ONE! is truly my most unique and bestest parure I've had in a long time. If you love Trifari...... besure to visit the auction page! auction link And here's some of my other sparkly goodies...
  26. Another Time Antiques

    Bunches of 1950s Patterns - Lots Western Style!

    An estate I worked with this fall had many square dance related items. The mother was an avid sewer and all these western flavor patterns came from this home. All are complete and excellent shape! Opening bids are low - all on auction: Yee Haw! :) And here's two more...
  27. Another Time Antiques

    Valentine's Day Preview!

    Hows about a vintage ring.... How about a sweet little amethyst HEART shape ring complete with an arrow through it!! 10KT gold sz 7 1/2 valentine heart ring (It's on the website - not an auction)
  28. Another Time Antiques

    Fun Accessories!

    Got some fun fashion accessory items on auction board... here's a peek: very stylish! a little one for the doll generations! great for hat ornamentation or dress corsages! Designer hat by Andrea of New York--wool felt Max Factor Society Makeup - Hollywood. (This...
  29. Another Time Antiques

    Why the 50s look is so hot right now.

    just makes me want to go to a dance!!!!! :) What a sweet thing that dress is!!!!
  30. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian Goodies this Week

    surprisingly enough that little bib is all machine work!! The quilting is machine quilted stitches and the edge lace is store bought machine work. Yes... machines were used endlessly for sewing in the late Victorian times!!! ;) I have another similar chatelaine bag to the one that just...