Search results

  1. Another Time Antiques

    3Day Sale Wood/Lucite Purse & More!

    Well, it's official...... hubby has retired and we're going to Ireland for an extended visit! So...... summer time seems like a great time to thin out a bit and fill the "pub fund"! haha. :booze: These all went on auction - check 'em out! This one is 3 Day Sale Only! Decoupage Wood Box...
  2. Another Time Antiques

    Cross listing your ebay items. Worth the expense?

    I've been doing this very thing myself recently. And frankly, I'm pleased. I hate the added expense but I have to admit my sell through rate seems to be running well these days! :) I have long been the proponent that Vintage should NOT be a separate subcatogry! We are FASHION FIRST ...
  3. Another Time Antiques

    Help with this Chapeau

    Does she have those triangular little side "clamps" to secur to your head? This is very classic 50s in our area - think the beginnings of the "New Look" era. Great little hat!
  4. Another Time Antiques

    Shoe plates?

    oh my..... I remember ... a little while ago... when these were all the rage! In high school .... a little while ago.... we used to put these "clicky taps" on our regular shoes. Don't think the school liked it too much! hahaha
  5. Another Time Antiques

    Summer Cutie Flower Garden to go!

    I just love this dress ... and the print. Oh to be a size 5! and you know there's other goodies too.... :love008: Current vintage fashion auctions
  6. Another Time Antiques

    a whole lotta ebaying going on

    dang..... there goes the rent again! WOWOWOWOW! Great looking goodies! Have you noticed an increase in activity lately? Seems like June is coming out of the starting gate like blockbusters!! Yippee!!!! now gotta go look closer at those brooches!!!!!
  7. Another Time Antiques

    2 Fun MOD 60s Blouses

    Hot off the listing board on my Ebay Auctions!! (see link below) I have a bunch of fun 40s 50s nylon peekaboo blouses going into the store shortly too: Thanks for peeking!
  8. Another Time Antiques

    When did shoe sizes change?

    And as always.... stick to real foot measurements for best description & fits: length - use a tape inside the shoe from toe to back of heel width - can take the wide measurement across the ball of foot on the sole heel height - back top edge of heel to floor.
  9. Another Time Antiques

    Fur Question

    Well that Marmot writeup sure looks right to me! Thanks oodles!
  10. Another Time Antiques

    Fur Question

    I'm pretty sure this is mink. But was reading some "fur stuff" and found there were other named furs that were very similar to mink but less expensive. Bernard Held (the label) was a very well known fur company name in our area. Does this look like mink to you?? Does mink have a thick-ish...
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Help With Fabric Type, Dress Style, Etc.

    ditto yep..... agree with the fabric desciptions above. Super pretty dress.... but.... be careful about the picture size you post online...... Slower mode computers will have a hard time opening the really large ones! Just FYI.
  12. Another Time Antiques

    Shall I keep it?

    "shop my stock" ......... boy did I when I was a size 12!!!! I think that was sometime in this lifetime as I remember! LOL. Besides memory losses, senior moments and "computer spread".... the years aren't kind to us matrons of fashion! Hey....... :eureka: I think I could start a new club...
  13. Another Time Antiques

    Ladies 40s Attache Purse/Flapper dress & Hobe

    This little handbag is so unique! It is just like an attache bag but it is a purse. The woman who owned this has some other bags of equal interest & quality that I haven't photo'd yet. They'll be online in the near future. Here's the bag thats now on auction: sale & more pictures...
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Does anyone else LOVE What Not to Wear?

    When I babysit my granddaughter on Tues I get to watch the show...and I've fallen in love with it! Love the comments ... not always thrilled with the styles.... but the tips are great. Hey.....wouldn't it be fun to DARE THEM to do it in a NY vintage style!
  15. Another Time Antiques

    Did You Know In 1949.....

    Yeah.......and in 1949 my mom and dad made.......ME!:bouncy: hahahaha
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Hat Parade!

    "fabulous selection are they all yours??" ...... Well, currently it all mine - but of course they could be YOURS! LOL :USING: I'm just the temporary keeper ;) Thanks ladies.....I have discovered a neat little corner in my shop that with proper lighting (two different angles) I'm...
  17. Another Time Antiques

    Hat Parade!

    And did you think Easter was the only showing....????? :) From the millinery department.....for your viewing pleasure! Yves Saint Laurent Civil War Era winter bonnet - good study/pattern pc Andre' - Canada Christine Original - New York D'Youville...
  18. Another Time Antiques

    out of winter storage .... tote cutie good to eat!

    Don't know what it is about this purse....but I just love it! Actually bought it last year and tucked it away....just brought her back out!
  19. Another Time Antiques

    my favorite picture this week

    Check out my Bellini Hat! Well whaddyaknow! Look what I turned up from the same designer!!! Is that the funkiest little MOD hat you've seen... not my particular style but what a cutie! ....and perfect for my Bellini shoes - a marriage made in heaven!!:love008:
  20. Another Time Antiques

    Corn on the Bod

    I thought this was a pretty enlightening short news clip about some new uses for corn Seems like, once again, technology is the big news in the fashion world. Remember when ....long ago, far far away.... the fashion news was New Styles??? :horny: I do wonder though how the care tags will...
  21. Another Time Antiques

    New on

    Holly...... speechless and breathless! Your website it just top notch, the best! I LOVE what you did on your links page with the vfg members logo section!! Thanks for doing that!!!! May I be so bold as to inquire if this might be possible for other of us members to do on our sites??? PR...
  22. Another Time Antiques

    new postings....

    Linda....the "pink one" is actually a white victorian petticoat!! ooops bad color shot I guess :) The " smoking robe" (good name!) just went live yesterday. Decided to be bold again and did a feature auction at 9.99 opening, no reserve......... any takers????? :love008: Also just added...
  23. Another Time Antiques

    new postings....

    She's old..... pristine......cute as a button......and Cheap! And some new listing in the VCmall...... These are coming in a day or two....... And ....... last but not Least!!!!!! Drum roll........ :USETHUMBUP: Click...
  24. Another Time Antiques

    amazing wiggle lacey straw dress!

    tremendous hits......that's always nice, but no takers! ...Yet. I was hoping she'd be "cookin'" by now.... Hopefully the watchers will come out of lurkdom!! hahaha
  25. Another Time Antiques

    amazing wiggle lacey straw dress!

    OK.....drum rolls........ she is now live @ auction wish me luck!
  26. Another Time Antiques

    amazing wiggle lacey straw dress!

    Thanks folks ... She does have a feel almost like a straw purse but somehow it's "soft" and not scratchy to the feel. I forgot to mention.... I actually owned this dress several years ago and sold it to the woman I bought the collection of stuff from. We laughed ..cause I told her I...
  27. Another Time Antiques

    amazing wiggle lacey straw dress!

    I'm still working on the details of this. But ooooohhhhlalala. The outter layer of this dress is like a "crocheted lace straw". It was custom made in Italy and has no tags. I just purchased a great collection of vintage and this is one of the goodies. She should be listed by Friday at...
  28. Another Time Antiques

    Hot Red Sweater Suit 1950s

    The original owner of this Toby Berman suit managed a classy dress shop.... this is soooo cute! Auction started today 3/4 Been busy at the online shops...... lots of new stock added!
  29. Another Time Antiques

    Haven't been in for a while but ....oh my!

    Haven\'t been in for a while but ....oh my! Having knee surgery and then later the flu.. I haven't been out and about for a month.......until yesterday. Went to visit a terrific customer/friend and bought a whole big, long, closet FULL of some fun terrific clothes: Suits, day dresses, skirts...
  30. Another Time Antiques

    my favorite picture this week

    Been home with the diddling more with little stuff. I had taken this shot of the shoes earlier and spent some fun time in Photoshop fussin' it up - maybe I could go into the shoe ad business, eh?? and should they inspire's the auction