
  1. C

    Info pls: genuine vintage Superior Model Form

    Hello folks! I'm hoping someone might be able to enlighten me on this beautiful antique dress form my father was gifted. The stand casting says Superior Model Form Co and has a NY address. I've done some research and see lots of SMF mannequins but not one with this type of fabric or in this...
  2. Olivia Smith

    Help Dating Vintage Armani Gown

    I looked up the RN and it said earliest is 1975 but I wanted to confirm with y’all
  3. Erin Wells

    Dating cotton dress? Seamstress ??s

    Hi everyone! I picked up this dress over the weekend but there are a few things about it that confuse me. I was hoping it would be a 40s era cotton dress, but I feel like the sleeves are too short? No shoulder pads. Also, it has pockets, was that original to the era? The print is interesting...
  4. Joanna B

    TRAINA BOUTIQUE - I need help with the history on this long dress

    I recently bought this dress and then did a little research on Teal Traina. If I'm not mistaken, he taught or worked with Geoffrey Beene. The article read that Teal Traina had a 7th Avenue boutique, "Traina Boutique", which was a shop he opened right after graduating from fashion design school...
  5. V

    Liberty & Co Historic Costume Studio gown

    Hello! I am new here, but I have been collecting vintage for over 20 years. I love Liberty & Co. (my wedding dress was a 1912 Liberty gown), and I am the proud new owner of an 1896 Liberty & Co. Historic Costume Studio gown! I am so excited!! Everything I've read suggests that Historic...