50s or 60s?? MAM'SELLE by BETTY CAROL


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50s or 60s?? MAM\'SELLE by BETTY CAROL

The dress has the same label as the MAM'SELLE by BETTY CAROL in the VFG label gallery. Gallery label is from the 60s.

Could the dress be from the 50s or is it 60s??

The fabric appears to be "painted" on the dress. The coloring is on top of the fabric and not interweaved. Is it screen printing? Or what is this called??




Any and all help would be appreciated! :help:

Thanks so much!!
What type of closure; metal or nylon zipper?

What about the seams; pinked, surged or finished otherwise?

It is very pretty!
That's a wowza dress for sure, Vicki! I think 50s, and I think I have a sheath dress made out of the same, or similar fabric, which I dated to the 50s. I'll see if I can find it.... It's nowhere near as nice as yours, though!
Laura - Nope its not flocked!

Melody - Gown length!

Ladies - Thanks so much for all your help and the compliments. My jaw dropped when I found the dress in mint condition! I just stood there and stared. I was in shock!
MS - Thanks! I called my mom before posting this. I told her I really thought it was more 50s and screen printing. OMG. It is such a good feeling to have my gut confirmed.

Thanks again ladies!
It looks early - mid-'60's to me. Sometimes it's really difficiult to pin it down. There is a very similarly cut gown in the Sear's Everyday book - 1964, but the main thing that makes me think '60's is the cut is very similar to some gowns that Jackie Kennedy wore in the early '60's. I have to run out the door but will try to find and post images to support my opinion. I won't be back until early evening.

It's beautiful.

good I'm not crazy, I think early 60s too... I was just waiting for someone else to disagree as i am not seasoned enough lol. My reasoning is the waist line. It seems a little higher than the average 50s dress. the line starts to rise right around 1960, just before the emergence of the empire dresses. 50s has long torsos (most too long by an 1" for me) and the 60's has shorter torsos. perhaps measure the bodice length and compare to similar size dresses from the 50s. The torso may not be as short as it appears and the black on white may be creating an illusion for me.

Just a thought! it is AMAZING!
Thank you ladies!

Jennifer - I love this forum! When I'm on the fence, I love being able to toss it up and get opinions.

Linn - Wonderful as always. Thank you so much!
Here are some photos of gowns that resemble yours. The skirts are not as full but the tops are cut similarly - although we can't see how full the skirt is in the first one.

Here is Audrey Hepburn in a 1961 Givenchy:

Here is Jackie Kennedy in 1961 in a Chez Ninon gown after a Nina Ricci:

Here's the gown:

This is from the Sear's "Everyday Fashions" series from 1964. It's important to remember that back than, popular fashion was several seasons behind couture. Again the skirt is less full but the cut is similar:

I think that there are some pieces that need to be Circa dated - because some classic styles lasted for years. I love your dress and would wear it in 2010!

Linn - I wish I was small enough to wear it. It is absolutely stunning. And I agree, it is a circa date. It could be either 50s or early 60s. Really hard to pin down but truly classic.

Thanks again!