anyone seen Schiaparelli sunglasses like these?

Originally posted by Linn
Oh, my!!!!

You have found a treasure. But can you part with them????


I guess I better list fast before I get too "attached". I also found this Schiaparelli piece which I think is a scarf ring, right?

The sunglasses are a great find!

I came across this piece of info which is from an extract about American optical history - the link is at the bottom;

"Fashion designers abroad were rendering their names to frame manufacturers in order to introduce the influence of fashion to eyewear. American Optical Company, at that time, entered negotiations with Madame Elsa Schiaparelli of 21 Place Vendome, Paris, France. Madame Schiaparelli, at that time, was an extremely popular, well-known fashion designer. In 1952 an agreement was finalized and the Schiaparelli Collection concept was undertaken. As I recall, this was the very first designer collection of eyewear to be launched in the United States. The Schiaparelli Collection was comprised of 90 different frames in numerous styles, sizes, ornamentations and colors. Each style was given an appealing French name such as “La Mondaine” (woman of the world), Feu d’Artfice (fireworks) and Plume D’Or (golden feather) to name a few. Designs in the previous metal collection were ornamented with cultured pearls and diamonds. “The Crown Jewels,” a platinum rimless frame set with diamonds, was valued at $10,000.

Presentation of The Schiaparelli Collection was given individually and privately to members of the professions. Trained American Optical sales representatives made these presentations in hotel suites; each presentation as well as guest appearances on television promoting The Schiaparelli Collection."