Are you a vintage hoarder?


There's nothing wrong with you. My 9-year-old blossoming vintie scored 88%. I scored 75% and DH scored 90%. My 8-year-old would not play.

It's supposed to be fun :bouncy:
That would be me! After all the hullabaloo on the VC&A board it was fun to make up the quiz. I've only posted it here because I don't want to add to the unrest over there. Thanks for taking it in the spirit it was meant!
I scored 58% and I lied about the dumpster. I WOULD go back at night with a flashlight because I wouldn't want to draw attention in the daylight to anything that might be valuable...its a sickness..:bouncy:
I answered that I would go back to the dumpster, but to be perfectly honest I wouldn't wait for nightfall I would have just gone in right there.

You see, I actually did wait for nightfall once but when I went back, everything was gone! True story! Well, it wasn't actually a dumpster but there was a stack of hat boxes in the garbage and when I went back they were gone. THe house was going to be torn down so about a week later I went back when I noticed that the house had been broken into. I pulled about 6 bags of clothes out of that house -- the attic and some of the bedrooms were filled with clothes from the late 1930s to the early 1960s. Unfortunately some of the clothes had been pulled out of boxes and closets and were strewn all over the floor. That was 25 years ago and I still have some things from that load, including the best circle skirt ever, and lots of crinolines and vintage underwear.
I'm a 53%. I debated the dumpster question. I've been known to dump weeds on my neighbor's burn pile in the middle of the night by flashlight. If the people looked scary, I might do the midnight marauder thing.
Got stuck on the faux fur question. Would have been a full on yes if it was real fur, faux doesn't seem to sell as well for me.

I am more like a fat man at the buffet for vintage. I take in as much as I can get my stubby fingers on, but know that eventually it will go back out again.
I got 67%!

I said I would go back to the dumpster that night with a flashlight but truly I would have jumped immediately into the dumpster, in broad daylight, head first, and hauled that vintage outta there and into my car in a NY minute! Isn't that what gloves and handiwipes are for? :drool: No, I would not have offered them money because what's in the garbage is what someone already decided they did not want. And once you put something in the trash, it's free game for anyone else. There's no way I could have waited till dark!!!

And I would never admit that on the VCA board, LOL, although I told Joel personally I am certainly not above dumpster diving! The funny thing is, I bet Joel would go in that dumpster too, if given the opportunity, in fact I know he would, he just wouldn't ever tell a potential customer that he did!

if you were found in a dumpster or skip here in uk, you can be prosecuted for looting, you have to have a special license to even take stuff out form the local tip!! the world is going MAD!!!

I flunked!!

I am NOT a hoarder - does this mean you will rip off my epaulets and drum me from the corps?
