I got 67%!
I said I would go back to the dumpster that night with a flashlight but truly I would have jumped immediately into the dumpster, in broad daylight, head first, and hauled that vintage outta there and into my car in a NY minute! Isn't that what gloves and handiwipes are for? :drool: No, I would not have offered them money because what's in the garbage is what someone already decided they did not want. And once you put something in the trash, it's free game for anyone else. There's no way I could have waited till dark!!!
And I would never admit that on the VCA board, LOL, although I told Joel personally I am certainly not above dumpster diving! The funny thing is, I bet Joel would go in that dumpster too, if given the opportunity, in fact I know he would, he just wouldn't ever tell a potential customer that he did!