Buyer wants to return due to comfort - how to handle?

An ebayer with several hundred purchases and 100% feedback bought a pair of shoes from me that they received about a week or two ago. I just received an email with apologies because she was out of town, but would like to return the shoes because they are uncomfortable to wear.

Has anyone else faced this situation? And if so, how did you handle it?

Your input is greatly appreciated.

No, I have never had that happen. She probably didn't measure correctly. However, sometimes a shoe can be your correct size and just not feel good. Did this sell for big bucks? I ordered some Cole Haan shoes for $35.00 that didn't feel good on my feet but I didn't contact the seller.

You might offer a discount on a future purchase??
What I would do is say; oh chucks!!! poor you, I hope you understand that as item was described correctly I am unable to take returns....but I dont want you to be unhappy and can do as much as contact second highest bidder and see if they are interested & or you can use my pictures if you would like to resell them on ebay...

Do you have a return policy in your auction? not that you need one if description is accurate but you might want to consider it in future

To be honest the bottom line is shoes are risky to purchase on line, especially vintage as they can come up different in fit..its unfortunate but most of us have purchased somthing that we underestimated ...I sure have but never asked to return item..unless they had mulitple and or was an error on sellers behalf
Good luck
Ditto - you obviously gave the right measurements etc. as the size was correct. I think it is at your discretion really, but agree that suggesting they contact the underbidder and kindly offering the decription and pictures for resale would be my first response, and see how they react. Those shoes were fabulous - I would suffer a few blisters to wear them in!
I would never buy shoes online for exactly this reason. Too many modern shoes are uncomfortable, let alone vintage. If they were described correctly, I say no on the return...

Thanks, ladies! Not having a return policy on my sales was a wake up call. And after some thought, I wrote the woman back last night and gave three options: 1) give names of other bidders 2) send pics of shoes in order to resell and 3) accept a return less shipping and a 10% restocking fee.

The 10% will at least cover some of my listing and Paypal fees.

I'll let you know the outcome.

In future, I'll spell out a return policy in my sales and then there can be no dispute.

Thanks again for all your help!
I think you did the right thing but it could be more of a fit issue and not that they are uncomfortable and she is just using that as an excuse.
I wouldn't have taken them back but that's me....

Which shoes were they? I looked at your ended auctions for the last 30 days and couldn't find them.
Sounds like you've handled this very well. It's hard with shoes, as others have noted.... I sold a pair of Cole-Haan men's shoes, and put the measurements in the listing, then the winner contacted me after he got them saying they were marked his size, but were way too small. I asked him hadn't he read the meausurements? But, even tough my return policy said no returns for fit, I did basically what you did--offered him my photos so he could re-list them, or he could return them but with a re-stocking fee and no return on the shipping charges. Though I think I quoted him a stiffer restocking fee, like 15 or 20%. He took the photos instead of the return!

I do think being flexible, even with a stated return policy, is good. You may end up getting a long-term customer out of a sale that is less than optimal. Then again, some people won't appreciate anything you do for them....
Thanks everyone!

I agree, Anne - in any business you have to be flexible.

They were the red platforms and they were sold more than 30 days ago - I think I put them on Sneak Previews, if you'd like to take a peek.

Jenn, what I put my feet through when I was younger! They're much happier now.

One thing about learning the hard way, Linda, is that you REMEMBER.


If they were sold more than 30 days ago I would tell her no way if you have not already. She could have worn them for a few weeks and found something she liked better or tried to break them in.
You are not Sears and have 1,000 more where that came from. Your items do not have a lifetime Craftsman lifetime guarantee.

The one important component of a return policy is a deadline. They have to notify you in so many days, or return it in so many days. It is there to allow you to service your customers, but let them understand that they have to do their part with contact and shipping back.

If you already told this gal that you would take them at 10% restocking, I would NOT reimburse her to ship them back to you.

It does not matter if someone has 100% FB, or 60% - they can't walk all over you.
Deborah, those were spectacular shoes, but in all honestly, I cannot believe somebody would buy them & expect them to be comfortable shoes! Some platforms are very comfy, but as hot as those are, they don't look very comfortable to me! One would wear these to be "seen" in, then kick them off for an evening of dancing or partying. One would not wear them to work or out shopping!

I think, since she has had them over 30 days, I would tell her if she returns them, you will have to assess the amount of wear they've had since she bought them. If they're not in same condition as shipped, or very nearly so, I'd really hit her hard with a bigger re-stocking fee. I'm all for flexibility, but if she's worn them several times, you may be justified in giving a smaller partial credit.
Thanks, Chris. Your advice is very much appreciated. You can be sure no reimboursement will be made until I receive the shoes back and in the condition they were sent. Luckily, I have numerous photos of every angle and, as always, a pretty thorough description.

I actually thought what you thought but decided that I was at fault for not having a policy - had it been in black and white, this discussion would have not happened.
No, it is not your fault for not having one.

I don't think not having a policy means they can do what they want. In fact on ebay, not having a return policy usually means a seller does NOT accept returns. There is a box to check "returns accepted" or not. As far as I am concerned, unless the product was misrepresented in any way (and she is not claiming that with you), accepting a return for any other reason is up to the seller's good graces and not a given.

i have had one return where the buyer stated the item was as I described, but not "really what they wanted". I did a return with no fuss because the person was honest, was not trying to play games and contacted me immediately. But I didn't HAVE to do it.

Good luck on this one and let us know how it works out
Chris makes a great point! They must tell you within a certain timeframe if they want to return it, not expect an open-ended return policy. My stated policy is they must advise me within 3 days of receipt of item if there is any problem, and ship it back out to me within 7 days. It's up to a buyer to unpack & inspect something ASAP, not let it sit till they "get around to it." They must meet their obligations!
Thanks, ladies! You're both right. And Anne, I guess I was writing a reply to Chris when you posted the second time. The woman prefaced her remarks with the shoes are great and then came the however; so she appeared to be honest.

Now it's the waiting game - we'll see what she chooses to do. I'll keep you posted.