Can't remember when I've seen so much green on my selling list


Registered Guest
Can\'t remember when I\'ve seen so much green on my selling list

Are the buyers really back or is it just that my stuff is popular this week? Whatever it is, it looks great.
Must be your good stuff Mine isn't selling much at all ( Insert crying emotiocon here!) Oh here is a sad face :( Just not sad enough!
Well you go girl! Great looking product..... great looking pictures.... change of season - Lets Go Shopping!!! :P
I have a few watchers, nothing to get excited about. Hey, I didn't say dang, I said another word that begins with da and ends with mn.
Well, Ellen, you rock!

I noticed i have been getting a lot of watchers...too...and its all on the same items ......which is interesting... its all about books and blazers!

so hopefully i will be SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING soon!
hehehe - public forums are a little bit censored me thinks!

Good for you Ellen! I'm always happy to hear sales are up. It gives the incentive to list more - doesn't it? You feel like it's not all just a futile attempt.

I only have three things up, but two have bids so I'm happy. The one that doesn't have a bid is actually a relist from one of the first NPB I've had in a good long while. Hopefully it'll find a a bidder who really wants to take it home! :)