did Chanel and Anna Sui totally rip off vintage?


Agreed, its a good thing to try to be positive!!

I agree there must be huge pressure to keep churning out designs that the public will love.....and half of me wondered if some of the designs on her site for Fall 2008 weren't inspired by that bag, which is cool in its own right.

I just truly believe a designer should have enough self respect and respect for other designers, no matter legalities, to not take a design someone else did and put their name on it.

Surely its commonplace and common knowledge that designers are influenced and more than nod to vintage clothes, they send their researchers to vinatge shops, we know this. Ive sold virgin vinatge tanks and kniwear to london knit houses to replicate the styles, for the high street. Designs arent copywritten.

Past designs are used to mix and merge, with current styles, the street and even coutore. There isnt anyhting new uname romatics NO...look at luxe, well thats just =70s glam, floral now =was well 40s tea dresses and 70s boho/hippy..

we ALL know this, so why are we incensed by this...we know it happens, did we get cross when adam and the ants, wore frilly shirts and became new romantics, nothings new under the sun..

I'm not affronted, but the bag we speak of, could be the original and unless you get hold of the runway programme, you could be in hot water making a fuss without the facts to hand.

ok we could say the chanel bag copies is breach of their copyright, but that is traders retailing the item AS a chanel. this isnt l dont believe..
the crossove ralready exists, you aint gonna stop it now, veen if the edges are blurred.
as much as I am disappointed in the obvious copy of a vintage piece, like you, I would first want to find out if indeed it is going to be mass produced. That's why I emailed Anna Sui before claiming she has stolen a design.

I am mostly disappointed in that designers don't bother to make vintage influence fresh again. I'm all for vintage influence, but don't charge me hundreds to thousands of dollars for something that isn't new in design in any way shape or form.

I could've done that. I also wrote a negative review of Gwen Stefani's line last year because many of her outfits weren't an original spin on vintage influence. I might as well buy vintage for much less.

but isnt that the essence of the argumment about art in general Sandra?

'I could've done that'...!!
placed apile of bricks together on the floor, or drawn an abstract painting like amonkey would...

yes but WE DON'T do it, we don;t even think about doing it.......they do it, rightly or wrongly they stand and get counted.......and there is no copyright in vintage....
but an 80 year old bag, are you sure the claws arent out cos the old chectnut of, ' i want the money in MY purse' no pun intended!! Then perhaps we should be designers not vinateetailers and retailers...

a direct copy, stitch for stitch is A HUGE kick in the nuts, but its out there it happens, and if only the navy suits at chanel and dior are the ones that make a fuss, so be it.

Its like how can anyone worry about copyright on the net, its a bloody free for all...unmanageable to police.

oh and also, the hundreds and thousands of pounds asked for isnt the same as getting them, a handful of catwalk pieces are even made, let alone sold...lets get real...
such is life...being a devils advocate!
I understand it happens, I'm not saying I am naive. And owning a fashion line is no walk in the park either. It's a tough business. And like many have said, there is nothing new under the sun. i don't expect designers to come up with designs that have never been seen before because we are talking about thousands and thousands of years of costume history.

Yes it happens, with anything that is a creative/intellictual property. I don't have design talent, that's why I wouldn't even try. But if a designer finds beauty in something old, why not add their personal stamp on it. I don't see this as theft, I see it as a reinterpretation. But this bag was copied exactly.

As far as claws, I don' see claws. I see intelligent discourse about the influence of vintage on modern design. i blog about this all the time. Now tempers may fly, but to say claws are coming out is an overstatement.

And I always appreciate the advocate of the devil. :embaressed:
My claws certainly arent out. I'm not upset that they bought the bag from me and used it and *may* make more money on copies of it than I made on the original.

I didnt design it, and am well aware of that.

I just think that if you take something that you didn't design, copy it and put your name on it....its wrong. Its very basic. If you didnt design it, didnt do the work that went into the conception of the design....its not yours to put your name on.

Legally, since its "old", its all fine and well. But to me, it shouldnt matter.....if you have ethics, and love design, you should respect the work of others who do what you do. It should be no different than taking an entire work by Beethoven, changing a few notes and calling it your own. Its NOT.

To me its about integrity and respect for fashion, and respect for fellow designers, no matter when the item was designed.

One season...in the 80s?...Ralph Lauren slapped his label on wool longjohns that were CLEARLY made for sportsmen/hunters by another company ala LL BEAN, who still made the classic union suit. And MY GOD but they were UBER pricey, and marketed to women as hip wardrobe pieces in ecru or khaki.