Do you think this is a costume


VFG Member
I think this might be 1930s. This has a metal side zipper marked OM- I- Noor and Over Zip. It also has a short zipper at the back of the neck. The sleeves are super long but the dress is an XXS. I am thinking it must be a costume because of the sleeves. Any ideas?
Agree with Maggie: I see late '40s. And I also agree with Donna, in that it looks like there are casings at each wrist. If the shoulder-to-waist is a normal length but the sleeves are extra long, there has to have been some mechanism for shortening them and creating fullness.

Perhaps it was worn with, for lack of a better term, sleeves garters, maybe 2 or even 3 on each sleeve to create a Renaissance look?
that's exactly my thought, too. :)
I am 90% sure I am seeing a casing for elastic ( which may well still be in there, just stretched out) about 2" up form the sleeve hem. Run a 6" - 7" elastic through it, and the sleeves will blouse as they should and have a wrist ruffle.
I once read the story about the company that made Koh-I-Noor but I can't remember where... It would make an interesting film. The founder was Jewish (Austrian or Czech... can't remember which) and his company became the largest in Europe until the Nazis took over. He paid the Nazi's to let his family immigrate to the U.S., but he remained until quite late (like 1943ish?) to join them by travelling via Spain-Portugal-Cuba, but he sadly died of influenza in Cuba before reuniting with his family. The Kover-zip was introduced c. 1932 and was at its height of popularity in the late 1930s, and fell out of popularity during the war due to metal use, however, I think it was made into the 1950s - the point was that you couldn't see the metal teeth when it was zipped up, so it had a more finished look.
I once read the story about the company that made Koh-I-Noor but I can't remember where... It would make an interesting film. The founder was Jewish (Austrian or Czech... can't remember which) and his company became the largest in Europe until the Nazis took over. He paid the Nazi's to let his family immigrate to the U.S., but he remained until quite late (like 1943ish?) to join them by travelling via Spain-Portugal-Cuba, but he sadly died of influenza in Cuba before reuniting with his family. The Kover-zip was introduced c. 1932 and was at its height of popularity in the late 1930s, and fell out of popularity during the war due to metal use, however, I think it was made into the 1950s - the point was that you couldn't see the metal teeth when it was zipped up, so it had a more finished look.
I have some pictures of the skirt area that show the bias cut on the panels. That is why I thought 30s. I think it may have been a costume. Do you wnt it Jonathan? I will send it to you.


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I am 90% sure I am seeing a casing for elastic ( which may well still be in there, just stretched out) about 2" up form the sleeve hem. Run a 6" - 7" elastic through it, and the sleeves will blouse as they should and have a wrist ruffle.

even with elastic in that casing which is just a double layer of lace I think. Something would be way off. the lace would drape below the wrist. So perhaps they would just fold the elastic to somewhere on the upper arm for the fit. Or ties to control the drop as Barbara suggested.
I think this might be 1930s. This has a metal side zipper marked OM- I- Noor and Over Zip. It also has a short zipper at the back of the neck. The sleeves are super long but the dress is an XXS. I am thinking it must be a costume because of the sleeves. Any ideas?
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The metal side zipper and other features you mentioned do suggest a vintage item, possibly from the 1930s. The combination of super long sleeves on an XXS dress might indeed indicate a costume or a unique design from that era. It would be interesting to learn more about its origin and purpose.
The metal side zipper and other mentioned features do point to a vintage item, likely from the 1930s.
In my experience, a metal side zipper does not point to 1930s. The typical 30s garment closed with snaps or buttons along the side seam. Not 100% true of course, there will always be exceptions.