Anyone who shops vintage on Etsy know that their search function is not user friendly. Our Search Tips for VFG listings on Etsy can help you look for a coveted item across all VFG seller shops on Etsy.
But maybe you want to check out the Etsy shop of a particular VFG member? We can help with that too. Use this alphabetical-order list of VFG members - you'll see their Etsy shop name or names (some of us have more than one Etsy shop). Either copy and paste the shop name into the "Search for Anything" textbox, or type in most of it. There will be a dropdown that says"Find shop names containing (whatever you've entered). Choose that and there you are!
VFG members with Etsy shops
VFG username: Etsy shop name
After Number Nine: afternumbernine
Aintweswank: CheapChickadooCo
Alleycats: AlleyCatsVintage
AmandainVermont: VintageVermontCloset
anna_newman: bootyvintage (1), zombietextiles (2)
Another Time Antiques: anothertimeantiques
April Goettle: TheHunterGatherer
Archetype Vintage: archetypevintage
BlackLotusVintage: TheBlackLotusVintage
BlueChanteuse: BlueChanteuse
bluevelvetvintage: BlueVelvetVintage2
Blue Wren Vintage: BlueWrenVintageAU
bycinbyhand: bycinbyhand
carla rey: CarlaandCarla
Catseyevintage: CatseyeVintage
Cestsibon: CestSiBonVintage
CharlinDesigns: CharlinDesigns
Circa Vintage London: CircaVintageLondon
ClubVintage: ClubVintage
DedeCouture: DedeCouture
denisebrain: denisebrain
dollsntrolls: dollsntrolls
Dusty Butterfly: DustyButterflyShop
EaDoVintage: EaDoVintage
Fashion Constellate: FrockittoMe (1), StyleandSalvage (2), StyleandSalvageMen (3 )
FlanneryCrane: FlanneryCrane
FlashbackATX: FlashbackATX
Floradora: FloradoraPresents
For the Love of MCM: FortheLoveofMCM
Gail Brassard: Cuckoochenille
gaildavid: gaildavid
Gatco: Zoostew
GreaterGoodsVintage: GreaterGoodsVintage
Hollie Point: HolliePoint
Hot Dame Vintage: HotDameVintageShop
Ian Drummond Collection: iandrummondvintage (1), iandrummondstash (2)
Joanne: LouisaAmeliaJane (1), LouisasNeedle (2), SirSalvage (3)
Joules: JoulesVintage
Joyatri: joyatri
Karen's Fashion Backward Shop: FashionBackwardShop
kittenteethvintage: kittenteeth
Kokeshi: KokeshiVintageShop
Ladybugs and Scorpions: LadybugsandScorpions
Lady Scarletts: ladyscarletts
Letas Vintage: LetasVintage
loopzoopii: loopzoopii
LunaJunction: LunaJunction
Marcy@bulletbraboutique: BulletBraBoutique
MagsRags: MagsRagsVintage
Marzilli_Vintage: MarzilliVintage
MemphisVintage: MemphisVintage
Metro Retro Vintage: metroretrovintage (1), HepCatVintageNY (2)
Midge: Willynillyart (1 of 2), Willynillyvintage (2)
MissBilliesVintage: MissBilliesVintage (1), MissBilliesIntimates (2)
missbootybarefoot: BarefootVintageShop
morning-glorious: MorningGlorious
Morgan J Brittingham: morganjbrittingham
Nan Hadden: FrannyZooeyClassics
Nette-tiques: Nettetiques
No Accounting For Taste: TastefulShop
Noble Vintage Clothier: NobleVintageClothier (1), NVCMens (2)
northstarvintage: northstarvintage
NylonNostalgia: dreamdate (1), dreamdateplus (2)
PastPiecesVintage: pastpiecesvintage
PersonalPursuits: PersonalPursuits
pleasurequeen: pleasurequeen (1), littlequeenvintage (2)
Poppy's Vintage Clothing: CoolFoolVintage (1), VintageFanAttic (2)
QuelleSurpriseVtg: QuelleSurpriseVtg
Rachel.WNPC: WNPCbyRachel
Raiment ReSource: RaimentReSource
Ranch Queen Vintage: RanchQueenVintage
realgonevintage: RealGoneVintage
Retro Ruth: RetroRuthUK
Retrouverbiz Vintage: RetrouverBizVintage
Sandy Starr: StarrChildVintage
selvedgefinevintage: RedAshRedux (1), SelvedgeFineVintage (2)
Shipyard Millies: ShipyardMillies
Shusteroo Vintage: Shusteroo
SkyRanchVintage: SkyRanch Vintage (1 of 2)
Straylight Vintage: StraylightVintage
sues*stuff: GrandmasTopDrawer
SweetTrashVintageClothier: SweetTrashVintage
TangerineBoutique: VintagebyTangerineB (1)
thegetupvintage: getupvintage
thegrannywardrobe: TheGrannyWardrobe
The Old Leaf: TheOldleaf (1), 2kVintage Shop (2)
thespectrum: TheSpectrum
The VintageMerchant: AuthenticPatterns (1), LessThanPerfect (2), MarcysClosetVintage (3), TheVintageMerchant (4)
Veracious Vintage Co.: VeraciousVintageCo
Vintage Chic: VintageChicVa
vintagecouture: vintagecouturedotcom
vintagedevotion: VintageDevotion
Vintage Friends: VintageFriends
Vintage Runway: vintagerunway
vintagebaubles: MyVintageCocktail (1), VintageCoatPourri (2)
Vintagiality: Vintagiality
vintagevixen: vintagevixen
WearableWorksOfArtUK: WearableWorksOfArtUK
Willow Hilson: WillowHilsonVintage
wradick: KittyGirlVintage
wyogems: wyogems
wyomingvintage: wyomingvintage
yumyumvintage: listitcafe (1), vintarama (2)
But maybe you want to check out the Etsy shop of a particular VFG member? We can help with that too. Use this alphabetical-order list of VFG members - you'll see their Etsy shop name or names (some of us have more than one Etsy shop). Either copy and paste the shop name into the "Search for Anything" textbox, or type in most of it. There will be a dropdown that says"Find shop names containing (whatever you've entered). Choose that and there you are!
VFG members with Etsy shops
VFG username: Etsy shop name
After Number Nine: afternumbernine
Aintweswank: CheapChickadooCo
Alleycats: AlleyCatsVintage
AmandainVermont: VintageVermontCloset
anna_newman: bootyvintage (1), zombietextiles (2)
Another Time Antiques: anothertimeantiques
April Goettle: TheHunterGatherer
Archetype Vintage: archetypevintage
BlackLotusVintage: TheBlackLotusVintage
BlueChanteuse: BlueChanteuse
bluevelvetvintage: BlueVelvetVintage2
Blue Wren Vintage: BlueWrenVintageAU
bycinbyhand: bycinbyhand
carla rey: CarlaandCarla
Catseyevintage: CatseyeVintage
Cestsibon: CestSiBonVintage
CharlinDesigns: CharlinDesigns
Circa Vintage London: CircaVintageLondon
ClubVintage: ClubVintage
DedeCouture: DedeCouture
denisebrain: denisebrain
dollsntrolls: dollsntrolls
Dusty Butterfly: DustyButterflyShop
EaDoVintage: EaDoVintage
Fashion Constellate: FrockittoMe (1), StyleandSalvage (2), StyleandSalvageMen (3 )
FlanneryCrane: FlanneryCrane
FlashbackATX: FlashbackATX
Floradora: FloradoraPresents
For the Love of MCM: FortheLoveofMCM
Gail Brassard: Cuckoochenille
gaildavid: gaildavid
Gatco: Zoostew
GreaterGoodsVintage: GreaterGoodsVintage
Hollie Point: HolliePoint
Hot Dame Vintage: HotDameVintageShop
Ian Drummond Collection: iandrummondvintage (1), iandrummondstash (2)
Joanne: LouisaAmeliaJane (1), LouisasNeedle (2), SirSalvage (3)
Joules: JoulesVintage
Joyatri: joyatri
Karen's Fashion Backward Shop: FashionBackwardShop
kittenteethvintage: kittenteeth
Kokeshi: KokeshiVintageShop
Ladybugs and Scorpions: LadybugsandScorpions
Lady Scarletts: ladyscarletts
Letas Vintage: LetasVintage
loopzoopii: loopzoopii
LunaJunction: LunaJunction
Marcy@bulletbraboutique: BulletBraBoutique
MagsRags: MagsRagsVintage
Marzilli_Vintage: MarzilliVintage
MemphisVintage: MemphisVintage
Metro Retro Vintage: metroretrovintage (1), HepCatVintageNY (2)
Midge: Willynillyart (1 of 2), Willynillyvintage (2)
MissBilliesVintage: MissBilliesVintage (1), MissBilliesIntimates (2)
missbootybarefoot: BarefootVintageShop
morning-glorious: MorningGlorious
Morgan J Brittingham: morganjbrittingham
Nan Hadden: FrannyZooeyClassics
Nette-tiques: Nettetiques
No Accounting For Taste: TastefulShop
Noble Vintage Clothier: NobleVintageClothier (1), NVCMens (2)
northstarvintage: northstarvintage
NylonNostalgia: dreamdate (1), dreamdateplus (2)
PastPiecesVintage: pastpiecesvintage
PersonalPursuits: PersonalPursuits
pleasurequeen: pleasurequeen (1), littlequeenvintage (2)
Poppy's Vintage Clothing: CoolFoolVintage (1), VintageFanAttic (2)
QuelleSurpriseVtg: QuelleSurpriseVtg
Rachel.WNPC: WNPCbyRachel
Raiment ReSource: RaimentReSource
Ranch Queen Vintage: RanchQueenVintage
realgonevintage: RealGoneVintage
Retro Ruth: RetroRuthUK
Retrouverbiz Vintage: RetrouverBizVintage
Sandy Starr: StarrChildVintage
selvedgefinevintage: RedAshRedux (1), SelvedgeFineVintage (2)
Shipyard Millies: ShipyardMillies
Shusteroo Vintage: Shusteroo
SkyRanchVintage: SkyRanch Vintage (1 of 2)
Straylight Vintage: StraylightVintage
sues*stuff: GrandmasTopDrawer
SweetTrashVintageClothier: SweetTrashVintage
TangerineBoutique: VintagebyTangerineB (1)
thegetupvintage: getupvintage
thegrannywardrobe: TheGrannyWardrobe
The Old Leaf: TheOldleaf (1), 2kVintage Shop (2)
thespectrum: TheSpectrum
The VintageMerchant: AuthenticPatterns (1), LessThanPerfect (2), MarcysClosetVintage (3), TheVintageMerchant (4)
Veracious Vintage Co.: VeraciousVintageCo
Vintage Chic: VintageChicVa
vintagecouture: vintagecouturedotcom
vintagedevotion: VintageDevotion
Vintage Friends: VintageFriends
Vintage Runway: vintagerunway
vintagebaubles: MyVintageCocktail (1), VintageCoatPourri (2)
Vintagiality: Vintagiality
vintagevixen: vintagevixen
WearableWorksOfArtUK: WearableWorksOfArtUK
Willow Hilson: WillowHilsonVintage
wradick: KittyGirlVintage
wyogems: wyogems
wyomingvintage: wyomingvintage
yumyumvintage: listitcafe (1), vintarama (2)
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