Goodbye to a treasured friend

MC would have enjoyed this wheel, and I'll bet she would have a funny line about it; her refined sense of humor was unique and gentle. I'm sad though, trying to smile. The sock monkey quilt really got to me today.

Maybe in October, a Day of the Dead Ofrenda shrine, would be a good thing. I would send this wheel, if I still had it. I'll be on the lookout for another. Could you just picture all the sock monkeys and things?
Originally posted by amandainvermont
Pattie wants all MC's online friends to know that she was surrounded by friends and never had any pain, discomfort or anxiety.

Amanda, thank you especially for posting that, to know she did not suffer helps so much. I pray for her friends and family, a big ,big loss to all. I know MC would want us to be upbeat but , it's hard. One of my last posts on the VFG board was greeted by a supportive, enthusiastic responce from MC, I recall thinking, I can always count on Mary Catherine to have my back . I've been thinking of her a lot tonight, and trying to explain to my boyfriend that though I never met her in person , she taught me something significant, and that is, the simplest action, just a kind word, a smile , a virtual hug, can make all the differnce in someones day, we've all heard it before but someone like MC shows us how to truly live a life that touches others . still :(
I saw this on Denisebrain's facebook so I came here to read this...

so sorry to hear of this sad news. A loss to everyone and I'm thinking f her family and immediate friends.

A sad day.
Wow. I had no idea she was even battling cancer - like everyone else noted, she was always so upbeat! I'm really saddened to hear this as well. She was such a sweetheart on the boards.
I just saw the announcement from the front page, I am so sad. She was an incredibly talented and sweet lady. I had not spoken with her in about 2 months or so through messaging, what a sad reminder that my life has been too busy for friends.:no: I will be remembering her family and friends in prayer.
There are still items for sale in Mary Catherine's e-bay store and Etsy pattern shop. There's negative feedback on Etsy from someone who paid for an item in September and didn't receive it.

Is there someone handling MC's estate who can take care of this? I'm sure she wouldn't want it left this way.