Have to close for the summer :(

I really don't like putting the Etsy shop "On Vacation" mode but I have to on Sunday night June 6 until early August. Of course - no orders can be placed during that time. I put a large group of items on sale so take a peek!

I'm having shoulder surgery on June 8 with a long recovery period - which means no typing/photographing etc. Worst of all .... no kayaking!! Not exactly sure what on earth I'll do with just one arm!!! :no:
So... See ya later in the summer! PT or bustcrazy chicken
Hi Barbara,

Which shoulder, and what are you having done? I have a shoulder surgery coming up (the right AC joint to be specific), so I literally feel your pain, but I don't think my recovery will be long. I'm rooting for you!
Hi Barbara,

Which shoulder, and what are you having done? I have a shoulder surgery coming up (the right AC joint to be specific), so I literally feel your pain, but I don't think my recovery will be long. I'm rooting for you!

Well this certainly is one kindred connection we don't need!! LOL It's my right - rotator cuff tear (and some other jargon). Up up to 4wks immobility and then 6-8 PT to repair movements. Being right handed .... it will be a "fun" challenge!!
Hopefully your healing is speedy quick too! Onward to health we go:drinkingtoast:
All the best for your surgery, Barbara, I hope it goes well.

I broke my arm in two places a few years ago, just above and below my elbow and it took about three months to heal. It was my dominant arm so couldn't use my right hand for most of that time and I can tell you that it's shocking at first how helpless you feel but then you learn to do everything with your other hand/arm. I was grateful for my kimono-style dressing gown which I could easily put on without bending my arm much, you might find one handy too. It was all I wore for the first month. I did need help getting dressed and a few other things because life with only one arm has its downsides. But thankfully the body heals and you're left with a new appreciation of it.
I had bi-lateral hip replacement surgery in February of 2011 and did really well. The biggest issue other than recovering a "normal" gait was that you can't carry anything (like your coffee) while using a walker. I recovered really quickly and well and was driving in 19 days - stick shift car with a clutch. We are all different and all heal differently! It will be hard not to be able to use your dominant right hand but I'm sure you will figure it out. You may still be able to use a keyboard!

I wish you the best - a full and rapid recovery and a "fun" down time! (I did not get to have much down time because my late husband could no longer drive due to Parkinson's. Luckily my sister lives in the same town and was a major help until I was able to function completely. ) Early on we went grocery shopping in her car and I "pushed" the cart which took the place of the walker. It's been over 10 years and I'm still doing really well!

If you can use your computer, please let us know how you're doing, Barbara.