Help in finding a corset training forum


Registered Guest
About 10 years ago there wear some corset wearing forums about about how to waist training etc
any one know if they are still online?
Thank you very much for your replays, It's not for me personally, thinking about a winter project and research for...
Thank you I do keep reading this forum not always login in, I am having some time off from vintage and also it's better to join in when you have something constructive to say.
a lot of my time has been spend developing a proper wardrobe of modern clothes. From what I have worked out over the years every one discovered their love for vintage at sum period in their life and not born wearing it.
I seamed to have done this the wrong way around!
I am also looking for a slightly different angle to work on for the next seven years the internet has changed a lot since I joined here and I think I have to move with the times also.
HI Pauline, I am not sure this what you are after- but this youtube link is a great how to lace link.

and also check this one out- but I would stress, that you should proceed with caution if you decide to try any tips out, as you do not want to cause yourself any damage

This is the best review of men's corset training:

The role of waist training is to force your body to adapt to different shapes in order to fit different clothing sizes. You have to keep your waist training to keep the shape your waist gives you, otherwise it will gradually recover the gravity and body design innateness. It will not reduce the size of anything or help reduce any type of fat, it will only push it to a better state. My best advice is to start looking for core exercise and improve your diet.
I hope Pauline is still visiting and reading, but I don't think she has posted for quite awhile. This is "zombie" thread from 2013.
How do "zombie" threads get posted?
By a forum member posting a response to an old thread. In this case, a newly registered guest with an interest in corset training found Pauline's thread, perhaps using a search engine like google and responded with advice for Pauline.

Welcome Elielijah! If you're interested in vintage fashion too, this is a great forum with lots to discover.