1920\'s car coat
This is my offering...I am certain if you were asked what is your favourite vintage item is ,a coat could be lower down the list, a dress, blouse or even shoes much higher, the same is true in a way for me
this coat has touched me in a strange sort of way, not because it's 20's in very good vintage condition, or even I could picture a young women going for a drive in a open car on a chilly evening.
For me it's because it is a very feminine item, true it's a coat not what you would call feminine in the same way as a low cut dress or pair of high heels etc. this is because what is made out of
which make it in my mind very feminine (not very PC these days Swede, with a mink collar I accept), even with my reservation!.for me it's the softness of the Swede mink combing this with the cream shade
I liked so much ,When it was hanging up in the shop I knew it was a piece I just had to have . :love008:I just love it.
PS the line at the bottom is a shadow of the washing line, take on one of the very few sunny days.
Just had to share this with you.