magazine photo


VFG Member
This jacket from the 60s has a matching skirt. It was no label and was photographed in Vogue or Harper's Bazaar, but I can't find the photo.

I've examined this suit many times but I can't decide whether it is a Chanel or a copy. It has no label.

It is one of two "Chanel" suits I bought from Karen Augusta. I found a store label on the other suit so I have suspicions about this one. Many of the photographed suits were copied.

Unfortunately, the blouse is missing. The blouses are the easiest element to determine whether it's a copy or an original. And it is the piece which is discarded first.

Any help you can provide with the photo and/or identifying it as an original or a copy would be appreciated.
Many thanks.

Funnily enough, on the opposite page from the same issue of March 15, 1964 is this image which I think might be the jacket here. The description is: Violet and green tweed plaided on the bias; new Chanel edges - whipped with the violet cloque of the blouse. Skirt cut in sections, cut to move. Original imported by I. Magnin, Frechtel copie; Bonwit Teller; I Magnin.