Meet Molly...


VFG Member
This is a bit of a grainy pic I'm afraid, as I don't have photoshop on this computer so couldn't lighten it up any.. hope you can see!

(hang on it didn't resize!)
try again..

I'll take a better one soon. We went to the RSPCA kennels on Friday afternoon, but explained that we were looking for a few weeks hence as we are going away next week - but usually a homecheck would mean that we had to wait possibly longer than that to bring the dog home.

I didn't think we would end up with a puppy but this terrier cross had found a home - but it had been cancelled. It was the last of a litter and Sue who was in charge of the rescue was worried about her becoming a kennel dog if she was there much longer. So we waited for a call to arrange the homecheck and out of the blue they called around this morning. I rang to tell Sue that we'd passed and all was OK, and she asked if we could maybe come and get her today, and that she would gladly have her back for the week we are away free of charge as she had her in the office with her lately anyway to get her out of the kennel.

So Molly is home, Jumble is in love and has let her eat first which is hilarious as she is tiny. He also displayed some dominant (some may say amorous, although he has no functioning bits these days poor soul so all a bit fruitless) behaviour and she had him in check straightaway. Now he is whistling as she has gone next door to be introduced without him.

I was worried that Jumble would feel left out so have been trying to be overly nice to him - but he just ignores me and follows her around like a, well, a puppy again even though he's pushing 7!

So chaos reigns supreme as ever in our house! But I like it like that.. ;)
I can't wait to see a picture. This is wonderful news, Harriet! Thank you so much for rescuing her. The right dog seems to come along no matter if you are ready or not.

You say she is the last of a litter...hold old is she? A few months?
Oh Sweet... those big black eyes! say it all .. a lucky dog finding you...
a lot of fun to come for you all.

ps I will be thinking of you when it's raining walking the dogs, while I am dry.:spin:
Girl dropped off the whole litter, couldn't even remember when they were born and was a bit sketchy on parentage (although definitely long haired terrier type mum) apparently.
At least she thought to drop them off at the actual kennels rather than just dump them.

I think matching raincoats are probably in order the way this summer is turning out! Although Jumble is a wimp and hides when it's raining and you try to go out...
Oh, Harriet, she is absolutely adorable! Too cute for words.... No wonder you fell for her right away, and to heck with waiting till after your holiday. How delightful that the old man (Jumbles, I mean, LOL!) is so taken with her! Congratulations to all of you!
Those beautiful dark eyes....

Puppies... love those little piggy spotted bellys.

I can't look anymore.... :)
It's going to have me looking for another.
Too cute for words!! Puppy love is the best!

We were just at a street festival filled with dogs of every size and breed. My kids even remarked that there were more dogs than children there...they were so right! Most of the dogs were better dressed than the average human as well...sheesh!
Awww, how precious is that!? We welcomed a new family member as well a few weeks ago. Yes, for those of you keeping count, this is number five. Such are the perils of fostering rescue dogs. His name is Buster and he's a sweet and feisty old boy. As you can see, he is a bit obsessed with rolling around in my shoes after I've come back from the gym!

<img src="">
awww he's sweet.
Leigh, I have some pictures for you later.
We doggie sat a pug this weekend. She just turned one today and her parents are coming to pick her up this afternoon.
Here are photos for you Leigh as promised...

Ollie says: What is THIS under my chair??

It's a Puggy Princess :)

It's Daphne's birthday today. She just turned one.