Messy, messy, MESSY!!!

The Van Gogh sunflower dress started this chaos a few weeks ago - I couldn't find the sash to go with it and I got FED UP! So I started reorganizing and that turned into CHAOS; so I thought it would be fun to post the before and after and hopefully make some of you who feel messy and disorganized alot better!!!

I took over the hallway - to my husband's chagrin - for my shoe shoot - as they, and the purses etc, are usually on the shelving behind my backdrop.

Here's the before.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

Check back in a few weeks for the after!

Well, that looks a sight better than my area right now--had a minor flood in the basement the other day, and now have boxes and loose clothing all over my office area instead of in my inventory area. And my photo area--yikes, I'm lucky there's room for my mannequins amonst the shelving, shoes, purses, table, etc.
Try palcing everything you have in vintage in storage in a 10 x10 climtate control. Currently everything is stuffed and stacked as much as it can be.

i can't imagine the horror of a time I would have if I hadn't taken a day to organize to be able to find the item(s) that I sell on my website!!!!!!

But I must admit you before pictures looked like my garage but about 3x times worse....... Have told myself in the new house that I will be better organzied........:D:mad::saint:
Jamie, I vow to be better organized all the time!!! (insert baguse)

Anne, how awful! Fortunately, I have my clothes on the first floor. Had to - our ol' 1886 duplex is on a water table and when the basement was dug, it got to 6-1/2 feet and hit water - so the basement is only 6' high and, even with a turbine and dehumidifier it's still on the damp side - not a good place for clothes. It's been raining all week and the constant hummmmmm of the sump pump keeps me company! Trust you're dryer now.

Looking forward to your pics, Chris.

Moving pianos can be included as long as they are vintage! LOL Going to check the thread when you were reorganizing, Harriet, and get some helpful advice.
Good grief - was I once organised? Oh yes... that was a while ago, LOL!

And yes 1930s so I reckon the piano counts, and my dining room looks a lot better!

I shall take some pictures this week of my ebay room, which is a darn site messier than it should be. Luckily upstairs (website stuff) is nice and tidy as I only go up there to get things out to photograph/wrap. Well, fairly tidy :D
Well..this is where I am so far..

Closet is getting there....but everything is everywhere!
<img src=>
WOW !! I can't wait to share this with my family. All along, I thought it was just some odd personality flaw - my ability to STAY organized - but I see it's just the nature of the business.

After trying to explain away my method, I finally proclaimed, "This is the only way I know how to do it !".

It's really tough - staying organized with a constant turnover of items.

It's good to know I have company !!
l love the dress on the mannequin in the 2nd pic...looks like a thick wool chanel shirt, though l can tell form here..could be a silk print..but its stunningf ormt he back....
l love the dress on the mannequin in the 2nd pic...looks like a thick wool chanel shirt, though l can tell form here..could be a silk print..but its stunning from the back....
cboppre - Welcome! Yes, it is nice to have company!

Well, Sara, you're warm as the one beside the manny is light weight wool and a Diane Von Furstenberg (such a shameless name dropper, am I!). The cool pattern on the manny is synthetic and probably home-made, but nicely done.
Why oh why do we let ourselves get dis-organized?

I've been doing the same thing, and darn if it isn't worse before it will get better.

Rubbermaid tubs, thou hast saved me from myself!
