Name chart for pants/shorts


Registered Guest
I hope I am putting this in the right section... I came across this a while ago, I am sorry I only saved the picture not the link so I do not know who's website it came from. If its anyone here I think you greatly for putting this up and I hope no one minds me putting it here. Many on here including myself are newer to vintage and clothing retail in general and I am a stickler for using the correct terms! Hopefully this will help others who find themselves in the same dilemma!

ps I will try to clean the picture up to make it more readable, but this is how I got it and it will have to do for now.
ok here is the cleaned up chart,,,, i can't figure out what the top one says... so I labeled them as daisy dukes lol...

I have also included a link to wikipedias info on shorts... ther are other terms there that i may want to add to the chart at some point?
I think the first one says bikini. I think Daisy Dukes and short shorts would be about the same length, but sometimes Daisy Dukes had fringe or cutouts pr zippers to make them appear even shorter.....
thank you,,, i thought bikini too,, there is deffinately a B and N in there,,, but I oculd not find refernce to them in my searching...

guess I will do that for now :-)

thanks again!
Actually I was searching for party wear and i found this post. Its a nice post. it will help needy guys !!!!!
Jluthye you're a PEACH! I'm always second guessing myself as to what to call pants / slacks.

Also, pre-Dukes of Hazard, were Daisy Dukes pretty much Hot Pants without the fray? Sorry, my 60s are showing:beach: