new tastyvintage site launched!

Great layout! Easy to navigate, good photos and descriptions, and fabulous merchandise!
Love the look of the site!

The photos of the shop make me wish I wasn't cross the pond.
Looks so warm, inviting and filled with treasures.

Thanks everyone - am still getting used to it as it is so different from the very white, no frames approach I had before but hopefully it will tie in with the shops new decor and then make sense.. I think!
It looks glorious. So glorious you have me wondering if I can get away with a bibbed lilac all-in-one hotpant thing because it's so damn cute ;)

Mind you, I've still got a Louis Caring hotpant and overdress ensemble I have yet to wear so I should probably resist temptation for now.... :D

Edited to ask if you could let me know when you list the Paul Nicholas blouse, that looks gorgeous!!

it looks MAHVELOUS!!

btw, that HEAVENLY (teeny tiny) western print dress would be PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT for VLV...its crazy cool!! (meaning you should be able to get way more $$ than 50 for it, i'd think... ;)
Wonderful new site, Harriet! Easy to navigate, clean, not a lot of fuss-fuss on it. What I love about it is that it has a "different" look to it. Sometimes vintage apparel sites tend to look a lot alike, with similar colors, typefaces, etc., but yours doesn't look like that. Which I love!

(And which I try to do with my site, but mine is not as nice as yours!)