NEW TO THE FORUMS? Please introduce yourself here! 2025

Welcome Shani and Sylvia!
@Shano - your collection sound amazing!

My Name is Sylvia. Recently came across vintage lingerie. I have come across Olga Full sweep nightgowns and I'm wondering about the hem stitching. I've come across different stitching for the hems and I'm curious to know if there are different hem stitches used. Or, what does the actual hem stitch look like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@sbaltazar Please post your question with photos of the nightgowns here so that we can help you:
Hi I’m Kristal. I love collecting antiques and vintage goodies. I’ve inherited some beautiful Victorian pieces, antique hosiery, Victorian children’s clothing, jewelry etc. I’m excited to be a part of this group!
Hi I’m Kristal. I love collecting antiques and vintage goodies. I’ve inherited some beautiful Victorian pieces, antique hosiery, Victorian children’s clothing, jewelry etc. I’m excited to be a part of this group!
Hi Kristal! Welcome to the VFG
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Glad you are here. Diana
My Name is Sylvia. Recently came across vintage lingerie. I have come across Olga Full sweep nightgowns and I'm wondering about the hem stitching. I've come across different stitching for the hems and I'm curious to know if there are different hem stitches used. Or, what does the actual hem stitch look like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Sylvia! Welcome to the VFG
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I collect vintage lingerie including OLGA gowns. If you post pics over in the Q&A thread I’ll see if I can help. Glad to have you here. Diana
Welcome to the Vintage Fashion Guild's public forums, where ideas are exchanged daily by both VFG members and guests.

Have some lovely vintage finds you're bursting to share with like-minded vintage lovers?
Or have questions about a vintage fashion item that you need some guidance with?

You've come to the right place!

We do have a few easy to understand Forum Rules that we ask that you read through before you get started.

Again, we welcome you and hope you will find our resources helpful as well as fun!

I have a specific question about a garment; how do I get help with it?

There is an enormous amount of interesting information gathered here at the Vintage Fashion Guild, so we suggest that you first simply go to the Vintage Fashion Guild homepage and check out the many resources linked there.

If you are unable to find an answer there please feel free to post a question with photos so we can help you more readily. (See How to Post a New Thread and How to Post a Photo.)
Please post your question in the Q&A located here.

How can I express my thanks?

If we have been able to help you, please see Ways to Say Thank You.

How do I apply for Membership?

This is our Code of Practice; if you find you're already following these guidelines, you may be eligible for membership with us. Also see Why Join?
Hi! I'm Jose, I 'm so excited about being here! I have some vintage clothes from the seventies and I'm looking for some help!
Hi Jose! Thanks for introducing yourself. If you are looking for help, the Questions and Answers thread is a great place to start.
Glad you are here. Diana
Welcome icon
I think I found the right spot for a introduction. Yay!!
Anyways.....they call me Rico....I like long walks in the park, the color blue and the smell of super glue on a hot muggy day! Lol...I'm just kidding.
I have always had a fascination for old things. I think "if this item could only talk....the tales it could tell." Where it's been, the things it has have to fill in those blanks myself as best I can with research and a little imagination. Plus....alot of cool stuff from back in the day. I am looking forward to reading the stories and seeing others items.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this group!!
Hi - I love vintage clothing and making Victorian dresses from recycled fabrics.

I recently acquired a fascinating vintage dress that I believe is from the 1960s. It feels like paper all the way through but is machine-stitched and features detailed tie-dye and embroidery, which seems unusual for a paper dress. It has no tags or labels, so I’m having trouble identifying it.

I’ve done some research and couldn’t find anything similar on Etsy or eBay. It might be an experimental or high-fashion interpretation of the 1960s paper dress trend, possibly inspired by African-style designs.

Does anyone recognize this style or have any insight into similar pieces? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Hi, It's Louise (formerly of Catwalk Creative Vintage). Remember me? I'm still connected to several VFG members via various social media platforms.

I was a fully registered business member of the VFG several years ago but am no longer in the trade. However, my love of vintage fashion has never left me, and I still visit vintage fairs and buy items for my collection. I might sell the odd piece from time to time.

I recently bought a Jean Varon evening dress for my daughter and posted the label in the resource section today! The VFG label resource is an outstanding reference, and I check it occasionally if I find a label of interest in my travels.

Lots of love and a big HELLO to anyone from the VFG that remembers me... and to everyone else too!
Hi Louise!!! Your original account is still active, and you are one of our Alumni. Do you need help getting back into it? if so, I can help.
It's great to see you here and to hear you're doing well. The vintage bug never seems to leave us!
I’ve managed to log into my previous catwalkcreative profile and have changed my password from the temporary one. Unfortunately I can’t update my email address (I don’t have access to the previous/old one).

This is the message I get - If you change your email, you may need to reconfirm your account.

Can you help with this please? Sorry for the inconvenience.