Please help authenticate vintage Chanel suit

I would just sell it on as is. Partly because its also not your typically desirable Chanel suit. Collectors want the classic tweedy look. It would be a tough suit to price even if it were in pristine condition.
Okay, I will. Thanks for the advice. Joules....I never could have thrown it away. Just frustration speaking.
Hello, I have a beautiful vintage suit that I suspect is a Chanel couture. Unfortunately, the buttons and tag have been removed, so I am on a mission... how to investigate this suit. More to come - photos, zippers, hand sewing, etc.

I would appreciate anyone's input on this fashion investigation :) Be back soon
Candace -

I see that you've just registered with us. Welcome. I think your suit will get more attention if you start a "new" thread about it rather than attaching it to this one. When you have your photos, etc. Please go to the PubliC Vintage Q & A Forum and click on "PostNew Thread" which you will find on the bottom right!
