Save the Umbrella!


Staff member
VFG Past President
I stood in a long line waiting for an estate sale a couple of weeks ago, and it was raining. I was the ONLY person with an umbrella, sharing it with a couple of ladies. What is going ON here? Are we a nation of drowning rats?

I wrote a little blog here about this. Surely the UKers are better at carrying bumbershoots? I'm frightened for the umbrella's demise!

It's April...flaunt your brolly!
Great blog, Maggie! I especially love the fashion parade.

My favortie brolly that I have seen but have not found yet, says simply "merde".

Hysterical Deborah!

I am bordering on collecting umbrellas. My favorite is covered in a photo print of fruit. I love to see people's smiles when I carry that one! I have three very different ones in the car, because I want to have the one I carry coordinate with my outfit!
It's always nice to hear of a fellow umbrella fan. I have about 30, but refuse to call it a collection as theyare a British necessity!

Love your blog Maggie :) Oh and now I need a 'merde' umbrella Deborah!
Harriet, we are umbrella sisters, as I grew up in Seattle, and that area and England share the same maritime climate...there is no other more similar climate zone.

Seattle has had its share of slogans and quips referring to the rain: "Move to Seattle, 10,000,000 slugs can't be wrong!"--"People in Seattle don't tan, they rust" I'm sure there are many more.

When I was a little girl my mother told me that I would eventually have webbed feet...and I believed her!
I love the slogans :)

I have been thinking about getting an umbrella to use as a cane. Therefore people won't pay attention to it.

But i guess it will cause more attention if i use it and its not raining!
Linda, I don't know what's wrong...I can see the pics right now. I am soooo NOT a computer expert that I can't even hazard a guess as to what's wrong!
I almost never use an umbrella, though I probably own 8 (all gifts, by the way). The only time I use an umbrella is if it's an absolute downpour and I'll get soaked without one. My husband thinks I'm crazy.

It's entirely my mom's fault. For as long as I can remember, my mom has refused to use an umbrella because she calls it a lightning rod. She made me paranoid about using them from the time I was a very little girl. :BAGUSE:

Btw, the pictures aren't showing for me either. I looked at the file path, and it looks like it's referring to files on your hard drive (drive e). That's why you can see them but no one else can.

Where do you normally host your photos?


EDITED TO ADD: Oops, I made a mistake. I don't think it's looking to drive e after all - here is the path:


I do think it is still referring to your hard drive, just not drive e as I first said.
I see them clear now, Maggie! (I was so taken with the other photos, that I just, well...forgot to mention it) Oh you are so coordinated! If you lived near me, I would hire you in a nano second to model!!! As always, GREAT JOB!

Mmmm, maybe I should go into the "merde" umbrella business...

I have a turquoise umbrella and a pink umbrella with a duck handle. I lost my favorite green and red striped umbrella with the duck handle (I named my umbrella Howard) because I am forever losing my umbrella by leaving it somewhere. I keep my turquoise umbrella in my car and my pink one for special rainy occasions. :)

On my second date with my now husband, we got drenched because he was trying to be a gentleman by retrieving his umbrella from the trunk. I still tease him about it. :)

If it rains in New York City, any one selling umbrellas does very well. :) I guess Americans in general are not always prepared for rain. :)

Did anyone see the kitty cat umbrella made by Avon? I may have to buy that, too! :)
When I think of umbrellas or wanting an umbrella, I always think I want a yellow one. Not a lemon or pastel one but really yellow. As a kid I had a red one. But of course, had I a yellow one I would have wanted a red one.
Chris, a woman recently said the same to me, about wanting a yellow umbrella. She explained that it was like an aura of sunshine...Works for me!
They also say that the color yellow is the hardest for the human eye to process. That is why yellow stands out so much for us and they use it for many different kinds of traffic signs.
Why no umbrellas? We transport in cars, only to dash into buildings...the way of walking from store to store is fading out.

Wash and wear clothes, most of us don't wear silk or taffeta on a daily basis.

Clothing just isn't as accessorized these days.

That said, I have an umbrella stand with lots of fun ones I've gathered through the years. I love the one I got from Grandpa's stuff, he got from the railroad for service. It has a 5 foot spread! Not classy looking, and a bit stained from ciggy smoke, but I can fit me and my 4 year old under it for strolls through the garden in a downpour and get nothing but wet toes.
