Seriously bummed. Spent the Big bucks on a feature and nada!


Registered Guest
Ick. I went for a Featured Auction on my pink leather 50s jacket since I was going to put up some good stuff for VLV and spring. Not one bid, but plenty of watchers.

Ack, did I miss something or are some of the items too high?

Thanks, Kelly
Major bummer Kelly!!

Not one bid... on anything?? Zero??? Nada?? Zip?? Zilch??

Am I reading that right????

I hope I am reading that wrong cuz that would suck big time :mad:

Why don't you add a link to your auctions/website/mall store to your signature line. That way if anyone sees something you preview here that they like, they can find it easily.

Sorry about your eBay losses. That really bites :mad::mad::mad:

Hang in there~ Maureen
I tried to link, but nothing has come up so far.

My cut and paste. Poor Justine and Deb are so sick of my emails for help.


Here is my cut ans paste from the VFG Private.

<a href="*sedona">Kellys Stuff</a>

<a href=>The Babylon Hussy's Stuff</a>
Hey look! You did it!! I am seeing your 2 links in your signature now. Cool-o!

Hi, that jacket is gorgeous! If I wasnt a poor as a church mouse recently, I would have bid on it! Just a couple of bits of advice from a strangers point of view ( probably useless but you never know?!)....I would put in the listing description that it IS original 1950's and not a repro. I know sometimes that some buyers are afraid they are not getting the REAL thing and need reassurance. Also, I would improve the photos, thats a SUPER cool jacket and the photos need to reflect that. Looks like your "dummy" is like mine and leans to one side, I would tilt your camera if need be, to straighten it out and maybe add a couple etxra photos which are very clear and sharp. I hope this doesnt sound critical, I dont mean it to be, just that alot of buyers are REALLY affected by the photos and can be put off by the slightest things. I hope some of this helps, if not, I will TROUBLE myself to take it for you!:P good luck! kelly
You could well have a point there. I have seen a lot of repro lately and it is not always clear what is genuine vintage and what is repro. If I am in doubt I normally pass on by. Maybe a line like - what and amazing authentic 50's find - would be reassuring.

That's a good idea, Anne.

Also, remember we are having a VLV showcase on the public board during and post workshop in a few days. Display it here then. (and there will be no question if it is shown on the preview thread or otherwise showcased on authenticity!) There is still plenty of time for VLV'ers to buy and I think we are just on the early end. As we get closer, people will be more desperate to get something.

You have some *fabulous* stuff in your Mall store, Kelly !!

Unfortunately, I have to agree that it is all *badly* <b>OVER</b>-priced ........................................... to help you out, I'll give you a $1 a piece and take it ALL off your hands! Let me know and I'll Paypal you right away!


Come on, Kelly - the right buyers are out there, looking for your stuff, at your prices! They'll come! ;-)

<i>(but my offer remains open if you like!! LOL)</i>
Kelly, I'm amazed that didn't get one bid! I would do as the others suggested re the Red Carpet feature, etc. I would also relist and
up the price. :D

I sold something last week (not clothing), that I first listed before
Christmas with a reserve. Lots of watchers, no bids. Relisted again
before but without the reserve Christmas---same story.

Sold it last week after upping the original opening bid to $49.99, no reserve and it sold for over $200.00. Timing (althought I thought this would be a fabulous Christmas gift!), is everything - it is just knowing
at what time to list!

..............yeah!.............but why bother listing when she has a PERFECTLY good offer to purchase everything????

Gee whiz! A whole dollar? I'd feel like a highway robber. You know, the kind the has their demand note written on the back of their own check stub.

Sigh! I'll wait it out and pop it over to the Mall. I thought for sure even with Ebay so stinky that this close to VLV it would be in a bid war. So far all I've seen is tulle gowns in the biddig wars. Tulle and whatever I really want.

Well, :mad: I know I supported expecting it to go high. It IS the ultimate, Pinky-Tuscadero/Girly-Greaser jacket.

...and I think I don't even really want to know what's up with eBay this week. Counter hits? Whuh? In 3.5 years, I've never had counter hits this low, across the board.

On the up side, upon finding this, you have 276 views showing and 17 hours left at auction. Bids are lately coming in late and, even if they've e-mailed 7 times about how it's THE item they must have for X occasion, they seem to be more-and-more willing to place no bids prior to the last few minutes, even if it takes watching you extend the auction 2 days, 4 days, 7 days...while daily-incrementally more viewers get in line to raise the price. :)

Well, I did get an email telling me if I were to relist it at a lower bid she would go for it as it was out of her price range. At least she was nice and honest.

Ah well, hello Babylon.