Hi, that jacket is gorgeous! If I wasnt a poor as a church mouse recently, I would have bid on it! Just a couple of bits of advice from a strangers point of view ( probably useless but you never know?!)....I would put in the listing description that it IS original 1950's and not a repro. I know sometimes that some buyers are afraid they are not getting the REAL thing and need reassurance. Also, I would improve the photos, thats a SUPER cool jacket and the photos need to reflect that. Looks like your "dummy" is like mine and leans to one side, I would tilt your camera if need be, to straighten it out and maybe add a couple etxra photos which are very clear and sharp. I hope this doesnt sound critical, I dont mean it to be, just that alot of buyers are REALLY affected by the photos and can be put off by the slightest things. I hope some of this helps, if not, I will TROUBLE myself to take it for you!:P good luck! kelly