Shall I keep it?

OK, Jake's sick with the chicken pox, I've got a fever (I hope to goodness I don't get shingles as I've already had chicken pox when I was 16!) and am bored so I'm debating about keeping one of the dresses I got on my last stock buying trip.

It's a late 50's- early 60's day dress made from acetate faille. It's got a neat kind of "peg top" pocket front which you think would make youlook big in the hips, when in fact it's actually quite slimming, especially when you sit down.

One of the reasons why I'm debating keeping it is that I don't think it will fit many people and that I'm going to have problems with returns on it due to the extremely fitted hourglass shape on the bodice and the tall yet shortwaisted proportions of it. It's hell to get on as it's so fitted but once it's on, it fits me perfectly.
Although the measurements are seem largish (41" bust, 33" waist so it fits me 40"- 32" perfectly), the dress isn't (if that makes sense) due to how it's cut.

LOL, I think I should just save myself any hassle with unhappy customers an keep it to wear myself to Edwin's vintage shows!

<img src="">

LOL, that means I'd have an excuse to keep these shoes to wear with it which are my size..
<img src="">

I vote for keep. If fits you that perfectly and you don't have the "it fits in the bust therefore its too huge in the waist and shoulders". I have the same problem, and when i find something that really flatters me, there is no excuse not to keep it as it is so few and far between
One of the reasons why I'm debating keeping it is that I don't think it will fit many people and that I'm going to have problems with returns on it due to the extremely fitted hourglass shape on the bodice and the tall yet shortwaisted proportions of it. LOL, I think I should just save myself any hassle with unhappy customers an keep it to wear myself to Edwin's vintage shows!
What's the other reasons for selling it You could write down in two columns Why I should keep & Why I should sell, which has the most then do that.Not a scientific way, because you would be bias one way or the other but it will decide it for you. Or ask yourself if I cannot sell for the hassle of selling it, would you give it away for free that might give you the answer.
I am for keeping it
LOL, I REALLY have to stop shopping out of my stock:P

I just tried it on with the 50's stilettos with my taffreda Barbizon slip underneath and the whole outfit looks FAB. It's a keeper so I'll wear it to the autumn Nottingham show as I already have my outfit for next month's Bristol fair. Need to fish out a pair of seamed stockings to wear with this dress though.

LOL, ok Harriet- I'll keep the shoes:USETHUMBUP:

It's not that I don't want to sell it Paul but because it's such a specific size (and was probably made to measure as there aren't any labels and the sewing isn't something you'd see in a mass produced dressed), I was worried that people would think it was bigger than what it is, try it on and then break it as it's so deceptively sized. Basically, anyone buying it would have to have the EXACT same measurements, proportions and height as me and what are the chances of that?
I would hate to see it ruined and then have to deal with the hassle of returns, repairs, etc when I can just keep it :)
The only person telling me to sell it (and the shoes) to pay bills is the ever practical Gary (Harriet, you know what I mean!).

BUT, my logic is that I'm the face of C&C at fairs and isn't appropriate for the crinolinegirl to turn up wearing vintage? :USETHUMBUP:

Well, to appease Gary, can you put something up for sale in its place?

Or maybe stumble onto an estate of dresses that are too small for you? (or gigantically huge on you)?
Hi Lei

How's Jake today, hope he is starting on the road to recovery!,
There always a very small number of people who will buy something that's not suitable for the what every you sell,
Try saying on the phone or email that "this is not right for you " and they take offence even if you know it is wrong and you are only trying to be helpful, they just do not see that.
A friend said to me "Oh that's retail" meaning every one is in the same boat ... so true.. it is more than disappointing when it's returned damaged.
especially when its a nice item or for me I had just spend several days making it.
I do not know if I am old fashioned but I do like to see a waist line , it's great the dress and show off your waist line very well, great! is a keeper and with those shoes it will look fabulous . I an also with Linda on this and want to see a photo.
Seeing vintage been worn just inspires me to keep expanding my collecting.

Nah Chris, I'll just keep it till it no longer fits me and then I'll sell it. I take care of my things so it will be in the same condition (probably even better) than I got it in.

OK, I'll keep it and the shoes then :P

Then I'll keep these shoes:
<img src="">
to go with my other dress to wear to Bristol:
<img src="">

Is it me or does anyone else here like shopping from their stock?:D

Yup! I promise to take lots of photos at the Bristol fair! I still have to shift my butt and get all the new stuff priced and ready!

oh lei, those beige shoes are for me! You WANT to sell them ( can you tell Im sending you "sell" vibes? hehehehe.

When I decide to keep an item, I usuallt try to sell one of my other items, it helps me to feel better.:saint:

And I agree totally that if you are selling vintage you MUST wear a vintage dress/outfit.

It's a lovely dress:USETHUMBUP:

You should keep it if it fits, suits you, and you can get use from it?

It sounds like the answer to all those is yes, so why not eh?:bouncing:

The shoes are fantastic too:drool:

Just for interest, if you did sell it, what would be the price? And would it fit me lol! I'm 39" bust and 28" waist?

I notice the shoes are Lotus. Is it the same as the Lotus you can get these days? How old is that make?

Hope you don't mind me asking, I'm trying to learn at the moment:USETHUMBUP: (I learn something everytime I come to this forum:love008::cool: )
LOL, everyday is "shop you stock" with me day!:D

I'd probably sell it in about the £35.00- £45.00 range as it does have some minor issues (nothing that prevents you from wearing it though) that keep it from being in "excellent" or "mint" condition.

Sorry but it would definitely be much too big for you! (there, I saved you some money);) I'm 40" bust/ 32" waist and this fits me exactly so it would be swimming around you. Also, the length is proportioned for 5'9" and over but for someone who is shortwaisted which is unusual as most other tall women I know are long waisted.

My Lotus shoes are from the late 50's- very early 60's- not sure if they are the same as Lotus today though, I have always wondered that too.

Hi Lei:)

Thanks for all the info:USETHUMBUP:

lol Yes, sounds too big for me then! I am 5'3"!

I recently took up dressmaking and I go to a class each week.

When the tutor took my measurements she said I am a petite.

I'm making this at the moment.

(Oops! Sorry to take your thread off topic - where's the embarrassed/blushing icon??!!)
The mini length to start with, then hope to make the long version next:kiss:

It's only the second thing I've ever made. I made a wrap around dress in the first term.

I need a sewing machine at home though as I get frustrated not being able to get on very quickly:violins: