Sherlock Holmes Charm Bracelet


Registered Guest
Anyone know anything about Sherlock Holmes collectibles? I know nothing about this except that neither the bracelet or the charms are silver - they're some sort of metal. Charms include Front Door with 221B on the front and "Elementary my dear Watson" in an old fashioned engraving-type writing on the back, a pipe, a lamppost, Sherlock's hat, a magnifying glass, and something I'm ashamed to admit I have no clue about - it looks like a sword in a sheath or something. The charms are fairly intricately designed, and as a whole, it's a nice little bracelet.



An ebay search yields nothing like this. A few Sherlock Holmes charms, but not these. Please excuse the crappy scan - ick, I need to clean the scanner!

Thanks all,

That is so cool. anyone who loves the sherlock holmes stories would love this. I know very little about charm am not sure when this might have been made. i was thinking along the lines of some type of anniversary of birth or death, or release of a movie that may have prompted sherlock holmes as a subj of a bracelet...then again i keep forgetting that conan doyle was still alive in the 1920s and died in 1930...

you could check w/ them ...maybe in some year past it was a souvenir from them... they have a whole little shop of doodads.

these look more contemporary..

or, with many things i come is just so unique that if you list it...they will come : )
Yup Margaret is right - Our Sherlock would get depressed when he had no cases to solve and having played the violin for a spell, would wander off in the direction of his hyperdermic for a little oblivion.

Did you know that Conan Doyle promised to come back after death to tell us all about the afterlife. We are still waiting and I can only assume there is none or he is having such a great time he can't be bothered.
Well, you learn something new every day. We Americans aren't as well versed in the classics as our friends across the pond. Okay, I guess I should just speak for myself. ;)

Chris, thanks so much for those links - going to check them out right now!

Melanie, that certainly sounds like the same bracelet as the collection
one. Wonder if you could contact someone on that site and ask about it?

Weird they don't even have a date.

I think it is cool! :D
Well, I tried to email them, but my email came back - gonna try to find another addy for them. Can't wait to find out more

Thanks, all!

I really enjoy little puzzles like this, it will be interesting to see what else you can find out Mel!!

These whatzits either end up to be fun and a challenge or drive you mental, depending on whether or not it is solved....
