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Anyone know anything about Sherlock Holmes collectibles? I know nothing about this except that neither the bracelet or the charms are silver - they're some sort of metal. Charms include Front Door with 221B on the front and "Elementary my dear Watson" in an old fashioned engraving-type writing on the back, a pipe, a lamppost, Sherlock's hat, a magnifying glass, and something I'm ashamed to admit I have no clue about - it looks like a sword in a sheath or something. The charms are fairly intricately designed, and as a whole, it's a nice little bracelet.
An ebay search yields nothing like this. A few Sherlock Holmes charms, but not these. Please excuse the crappy scan - ick, I need to clean the scanner!
Thanks all,

An ebay search yields nothing like this. A few Sherlock Holmes charms, but not these. Please excuse the crappy scan - ick, I need to clean the scanner!
Thanks all,