Spotlight on Vintage: Spring Coats


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This past weekend those of us in the US - (who go on Daylight Savings Time) - "Spring Forward" (and in November we "Fall Back." ) The date of the change is different in Europe and Australia - and maybe elsewhere. I live in Hawaii - one of two states that stays on Standard time. However - Spring arrives officially for all of us in the Northern Hemisphere this Saturday, March 20th.

Let's show our Spring Coats in honor of the season. (I don't have any - so here I am - at the age of 5 or 6 - with mine! - at least I think it's a Spring coat - based on the shoes.)

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Maggie, I would have kept that one too!!!

I have a pink spring coat as well, 1960s, with a label from a tailor in Italy - it's beautifully made. It's not particularly practical, and really only goes with a few of my shift dresses, and it's definitely a spring coat as in not being warm at all, but I enjoy wearing it and keep hanging on to it. One of my better thrift shop finds!

It reminds me of one of Francie doll's (Barbie's groovy cousin) outfits - she was first issued in 1966, so that's a perfect fit:
Linn, that is the most adorable pic of you. And, like you, we don't wear Spring coats here in Texas, since Spring lasts only about 4 days...
These are the only spring coats I recall wearing, as a child in Missouri. And, all three of my sisters and I looked so forward to getting our Spring Easter coats, purses, and hats! Circa 1961. We lived in a very small town, and looked forward to driving over to Pittsburg, KS to shop for them! We've always called this picture the Coconut Cake Hat picture, because of what our Mom was wearing!!
Which girl are you Janine? Let me guess: Light blue coat?
Hah! No, that is my sister Mary, who is less than 12 months older than me. I think that was Mary's 1st Communion, because our mom always dressed us as twins, and we weren't in that picture. Twin dressing was always ridiculous, since I was a flat-out tomboy, and Mary was a very sweet, little beauty. We'd be wearing the same outfits, but my socks would be dragging around my shoes, my bows were lop-sided, and I could barely get on a dress before I had to run around in it and mess it up. I'm the one on the far right, in my fashionable one-button coat. I loved that coat!!!