**Submit Labels for the Label Resource Here** 2017 -CLOSED

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Early 90's label of Moschino Cheap and Chic line, from wool shift dress.

Research shows this font was used for the 'Cheap and Chic' line from late 80's to 90's on products and display ads, before the font change-over to a novelty script. An image of the dress is also provided in a thumbnail below.
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I didn't see this version in the resource - I love that they dated their items!! How considerate for us!! lol

This is a 1960 (!) white sleeveless linen sheath with an off-center colorblocked 5" stripe down the front - baby pink from neckline to waist & chartreuse green from waist to hem
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from a De Pinna early 50s satin opera coat:

from a pair of 1930s stepins sold at Lord & Taylor. Looks like the L&T label matches the one from the 50s in the resource;
so it was in use for quite a while:

from a pair of mens 80s Gucci horsebit loafers:
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Young America by Oleg Cassini label from an early 1960's dress.
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Here's a Vanity Fair label we don't have, I'm showing the front and reverse.

From a pink nylon slip circa 1951-52. I found two dated adverts for the exact same slip (including the style number as shown on the label), one dated 1951 and other 1952.
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