**Submit Labels for the Label Resource Here** 2018 - CLOSED

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Minx Modes label, quite similar to what's already there, just a different text color. This one's from a mid 1950s summer dress. A relative of Minx Modes once called me and discussed the label history a bit. I believe it was a grandson or nephew of the original owner. The only thing I can remember was that he tried to resurrect the label in the mid-1990s, and told me it was the hardest thing ever to create a collection of dresses. He was operating in NYC area at the time, and only produced for 2-3 years before giving up the idea.
Miss Cane was described to be a designer in 1955 who was new to the crowded canyons of the New York garment’s center and created excitement in the marts of fashion.

From a 50s's Miss Cane New York dress

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Halle Brothers Co., also known as Halle's was was a high end department store that opened its flagship store in Cleveland in 1891. They sold everything from fashion, fragrances, and cosmetics to homewares, furnishings, electronics, and toys and closed its doors in 1982.

The Halle Bros. Co. from a 1960s Toque Hat.
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