I hadn't watched it before and really had to talk myself into the 132 (?) minutes.
I did leave the room a few times but not for long.
I swear there were a few times I wish I had subtitles with everyone talking so fast and talking over one another.
I loved just about everything about it from the salon scene and exercise outfits to the fashion show (loved the swimsuits) and that PLUSH robe Mary had on before she headed out that night to confront Crystal.
Not clothing but I did notice that when Mary was getting ready for bed there were figural lamps on either side of her bed. A woman on the left side (if facing the bed) and a man on the right.
Then when she got into bed and little Mary came in to join her the woman lamp was on the right side where Mary was laying.
I did leave the room a few times but not for long.
I swear there were a few times I wish I had subtitles with everyone talking so fast and talking over one another.
I loved just about everything about it from the salon scene and exercise outfits to the fashion show (loved the swimsuits) and that PLUSH robe Mary had on before she headed out that night to confront Crystal.
Not clothing but I did notice that when Mary was getting ready for bed there were figural lamps on either side of her bed. A woman on the left side (if facing the bed) and a man on the right.
Then when she got into bed and little Mary came in to join her the woman lamp was on the right side where Mary was laying.