VFG Housewarming Party!!

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I'm all for games! Just let me grab my drinkie-poo and push through the crowd to get a better look at what's goin on.<p>Hey Louise, glad you made it. Saw you a minute ago but can't find you now.<p>Linda
That would be cool, roo.

I see a lot of em going on our secret santa wish lists this year.
And I see a lot of people who have entered the house but have not said hello.

C'mon and say HI - we don't bite! (at least not this early in the evening...give us time ;))

The first game we'll play is called "Useless Information." It isn't really vintage related, but it will get us in game mode & I PROMISE it will be Fun! Cool Prizes, too!

The 1st correct answer will win. So ya gotta post fast! In the event there is no winner - we'll give that prize to Bonnie for her Vintage Clothing Challenge. Okay???
well I'm here and tried to see Anna on her web cam but got the site is not responding - so I can only assume she has fallen over the controls in a drunken stupor
Mmmmmm cookies!! What kind?? I've given up chocolate for Lent and am dying for a big ol warm chocolate chip cookie!!
(also a wife to the best darn cook around!)
:cool:Hi everyonone! I made it, though the next door neighbor caused me no end of misery, by nailing shingles on his roof from sunup till a few minutes ago. I'm a tad woozy...I should fit right in :P
Nah...go ahead and get started, L...they know where we are! ;)

And a big ol' HI to Anne (who I hope is wearing a little more than she wore to the last party! ;))
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