Vintage handbag? authentic?

I have a similar wooden box that I bought in an import store about 8 years ago, and it has EXACTLY that clasp on it. Besides the clasp, it just has a "modern" look for me, but I don't know for sure.

I've never seen Phillip's head screws on a vintage purse. It's pretty but I don't think it's old.
I think this is a 1980's probably Asian or even north African tourist bag, the clasp is an old style sure, but its fixings are recent, it has a retro feel to it, and has the dark wash on it to give it some atmosphere. I don't think its made to look old as a fake, I think it is that retro rattan look, reminiscent of the 50s box bags. it could be newer or cusping 80/90s.

hope this helps
I think it is fairly new - if not new, also. I haven't seen this exact piece but similar bags with dark washes are sold in import shops and at kiosks at malls here in Hawaii. It's in really pristine condition -especially the handles, if it's 10-15 years old. It's really nice - but I don't think it's vintage.

Hi there

arent you a generous lot with all the replies......, sorry not good at holding onto names and not sure how to reply to one post only the last post so a group HUGS thanks!

As noted by one reply (Ookoo) it was the crossed head screws that made me question it, as these to me seemed modern, as hubby is within the construction & design industry he too was a bit foxed also the lid is fixed with a fine tape/fabric that is attached by little thin pin type nails, which we call tacks in the UK (not to be confused with thumb tacks), not sure when these too became used within wood items?

Its still confusing yet I am open to further input as I guess its a process of illimination to which era or circa, or whether its been recently made to be a certain style. hmmmm

Would there be any other tell tell signs that could add to the outcome? as I have taken other piccs.

I am so pleased that I have joined as a friend as I have had such a passion for collecting since a child, I guess its been over 40 years now, and one that must try and work out everthing as best I can right down the fittings and zippers, which reminds me I will ring the Co. direct and share the outcome! as this one has never been answered that I know of, yet I now have the details to follow up thanks to the V&A in the UK

Just another thing to add to the list of lists of lists LOL

When I read and see your posts and think wow all those designs, style, outfits, types, garments, thankfully I only do handbags, shoes & gloves with the odd outfit, even though I have been trained as a semi streamstress its great to see you're own collections and to how you work out the cuts, style, eras, I so hope I can finalize this query as I now have received a post from another private collector & one that likes this style is asking to whether I would sell it, the answer would be yes, as its one that is not really part of my own style collection, yet I just feel too inadequately knowledgable to state its vintage and bang their I go around again!

I'll pop back to see if any other posts have been dropped in, knowing so many of you have so much knowledge and so very hepful

There may be a delay as off this week for a major op on Thurs hence why I am now selling my collections and those that I do not wish to keep as its paying for the meds ect (ouch more pain to part with than to have the op and treatment!).

Thank you all so much to date, you have made me so welcome and I cant wait to get really stuck into posting and sharing when I get better.

best wishes

Sorry, coming at this a bit late. We sell boxes exactly like this in my gift shop; same fixings, same patina, same everything. Straight from China, brand spanking new. I'd be amazed if this was as old as 80s/90s.

Hope you're feeling better soon Tweany!

Hi there Sarah-Jane

thanks for the good wishes the op went well (Lymes/borrelia)
anyway as others have aged this bag as earlier and you and I and more others feel its newer my gut feeling its new and made to look aged.

A group hug for all those that helped it was food for thought, and to be honest I am going to stick with the waldys, ect along with the other 100s of vintage purses not bamboo!

Best wishes
