Vintage Jewelry Workshop - Part II

No it doesnt pull away Linn. I looked closely with a loupe, but the little thingy you think you see is probably just a combination of my unsteady hands on a closeup shot and the somewhat crude construction of the piece.

As you can see there is a seam on the hinge...see center photo above. That outer piece covers up an inner rod.

If its any help, I think it is brass. Smells like it, and the silver tone finish is worn off in many places
This is a great workshop Linn! Beautifully presented!

I have a similar period costume bracelet from the 1920's (thank you for confirming that) but without the coral beads.
Thank you so much!

The set is in several books. It had a matching necklace and bracelet. I only found the bracelet - and I sold it several years ago. (I recognized it when I found it.)

Many of the examples I am using in the Workshop are in my personal collection but some have gone to new homes!

Thank you SO much Lin for all your time and effort. This workshop has been incredible. :sunshine:

I wonder if you can help me with this cute little pin? I'm puzzled what it's made from. Initially I thought it was carved but when I look at the flowers through my loope, they appear to have been fixed on separately as there's a faint outline around the flowers. Could it be plastic? Fastens with a simple C-catch which doesn't extend further than the brooch itself. The pin is a little bent. It measures 2¼ inches. I think it might date from the 30's or 40's perhaps but . . . :help:





Thank you. :)
Originally posted by Linn
Louise -
It looke like it might be either plastic or bone. I'm not sure if it's from the '30's or possibly the '50's. You could try a hot water test to see if there is any odor which you will get if it's celluloid. Check this link to see if it's bone:


Hi Linn,
I've tested the tip of the brooch under hot water and there is an odour although I can't really describe it. I think the brooch is probably celluloid or some other type of plastic. Thanks again for the link and advice.

Wow have just found these workshops. Amazing! Thankyou for all the time you are putting in here - a fantastic resource and what a pleasure for the eyes!
Thank you, everyone. This five-part workshop was presented in 2010. You can access the other parts by clicking "Vintage Jewelry 2010 by Linn" at the top. Many of the photos that were submitted with questions have been removed but all of the photos in the presentation are still "live" and hosted. It's fun for me to go back and "visit" some of the pieces that I sold - and see photos of many that I still have in my collection.
