Wanted: 1950s/1960s Ladybug & Villager clothing and accessories

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Most Wanted - Looking for something?' started by beebee171, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    Hi all!
    I'm hoping someone out there can help me! My mother worked for Ladybug in the 1960s and wore their clothing as well. She also wore Villager. She loved Ladybug and Villager so much, but no longer has her original items. I am hoping someone out there may have a resource as to where I could find any vintage Ladybug or Villager clothing and accessories. I've cruised Ebay and Etsy, and found just a few things. I'd love to surprise my Mom with a few pieces from her past for her birthday. If anyone has any leads, or has some items, I would be grateful. Thank you!!
  2. foofoogal

    foofoogal Registered Guest

    I have looked online for Ladybug brand clothing. Do you perhaps mean Vera that used a ladybug logo?
    I sure have run across some cute ladybug themes looking for you. I may have to buy me something with ladybugs.

    I know I have heard of Villager also. Perhaps some of the dealers here have some.
  3. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    Hi FooFooGal!!
    Thanks so much for the reply! The label Ladybug is not by Vera. I've attached an image of the label for you to see. Ladybug was the sister, junior line to Villager in the 60s. Thanks so much!

    Attached Files:

  4. northstarvintage

    northstarvintage Administrator Staff Member

    I remember wearing my mom's Villager sweaters from the 60s during my first foray to vintage in the 80s. Sadly I don't have them any more. They were quite preppy and as I recall she had bought them at an upscale Philadelphia store.

    Good luck with your search!
  5. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    hi northstarvintage! thank you so much for the reply! my mom worked for ladybug outside of philadelphia in the 60s, in plymouth meeting. thanks so much for the luck! i'm hoping something turns up soon!
  6. amandainvermont

    amandainvermont VFG Member

    Susan - I am your mother. We would sometimes button those sweaters up and put them on backwards and wear them with knee socks. Of course, with penny loafers... Villager was THE shirtwaist dress to wear. They had full skirts and came with stretchy belts, cute prints and Peter Pan collars. I vaguely remember the Ladybug label.
  7. northstarvintage

    northstarvintage Administrator Staff Member

    Small world! She lived in Jenkintown and I wouldn't be surprised if she bought them at Plymouth Meeting (pre-mall days). I wish I still had those sweaters.
    beebee171 likes this.
  8. northstarvintage

    northstarvintage Administrator Staff Member

    YES Amanda - she wore them backwards! Here's a pic of my mom from that era. mom60s.jpg
  9. Linn

    Linn Super Moderator Staff Member VFG Past President


    I am your mother, too! This is me in 1964 wearing a Villager blouse. I probably had on penny loafers and knee socks! I do not have this blouse or the belt or the skirt or the headband, etc. but I remember it!


  10. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    Wow! Thank you to everyone for sharing your photos! I will have to find one of my Mom. If anyone has any leads, please keep me updated! Thanks again!!!
  11. I remember this brand from the late 60 early 70s. It was The store and brand to wear along with Capezios and Letisse handbags.
    I will have to look thru my inventory.
    Somewhere I have a little Lady Bug stick pin that came with the clothing
    beebee171 likes this.
  12. northstarvintage

    northstarvintage Administrator Staff Member

    Oh my gosh Linn - that photo! You and mom could have been sisters! Thank you for sharing.
  13. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    Hi Anothertimevintageapparel! Yes! My mom wore her Capezios, too! And Pappagallos as well! Thanks for looking through your inventory! :) I appreciate it!
  14. foofoogal

    foofoogal Registered Guest

    I cannot believe it but stumbled across a Villager madras jacket this week. Thank you for this thread.
  15. sues*stuff

    sues*stuff VFG Member


    Am I imagining it or did the Ladybug shirtwaist dresses come with little stick pins on the collar that were bugs or turtles or frogs? It seems like they did, and if so, I have several of those.

    I too was one of those wearers of Ladybug and Villager.
    beebee171 likes this.
  16. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

  17. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    Yes yes!! It was a ladybug! I have one!!
  18. beebee171

    beebee171 Registered Guest

    Just wanted to bump this post...I hope that's okay! I'm still looking! Thanks so much for your help, everyone.
  19. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

    Susan, i want your mom's SHORTS! :wub:
  20. GulfGirl

    GulfGirl Registered Guest

    I have a little group of the Ladybug pins that I saved from our clothes. We were lucky, we knew the L/V sales rep for our area and we got to buy his samples in size 9 and 10 at a huge discount. My sister and I could wear the same sizes and even our mom, so she bought us a lot and we swapped them around and all wore them. One year my sister got 'Best Dressed" in the high school annual :o)
    If you would like a little bug pin, let me know, I can mail in an envelope to you. You could make it part of a cute B'day card. Can you do PM's in this forum ?

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