Welcome back to the upgraded forum

If anyone is seeing a weird bare bones site (or one that is not VFG purple!!)- scroll all the way to the bottom left corner and change the style to "Vintage Fashion Guild", or some may see "Default style edited" with "Vintage Fashion Guild" to the right of it.
If anyone is seeing a weird bare bones site (or one that is not VFG purple!!)- scroll all the way to the bottom left corner and change the style to "Vintage Fashion Guild", or some may see "Default style edited" with "Vintage Fashion Guild" to the right of it.
View attachment 191017
I'm hoping I've solved that issue altogether now.

It will only have affected Administrators, I think.
Nice, it's definitely an easer-to-read look for sure. I just wonder if it's possible to bring back the feature that bolds the forum name in the list of all topics? I changed the style back to the default and that bolding came back, maybe it's a setting in the custom style you created? It's handy to see when there are new topics. All in all it looks really nice!
Nice, it's definitely an easer-to-read look for sure. I just wonder if it's possible to bring back the feature that bolds the forum name in the list of all topics? I changed the style back to the default and that bolding came back, maybe it's a setting in the custom style you created? It's handy to see when there are new topics. All in all it looks really nice!
Thanks for feedback. You mean showing the forum name in bold if there are unread threads? We might be able to bring that back.
Nice, it's definitely an easer-to-read look for sure. I just wonder if it's possible to bring back the feature that bolds the forum name in the list of all topics? I changed the style back to the default and that bolding came back, maybe it's a setting in the custom style you created? It's handy to see when there are new topics. All in all it looks really nice!
Your wish is my command, plousia. Done.

unread threads are showing up as bold for me. :)
Plousia meant the forum title on the front page. Not the thread itself