Where to sell 30s/40s fur

Caroline Burr

Registered Guest
I have fur dating from I think the 30s / 40s from my grandmother. A hat made out of mink tails, some mink tails and a stole (?scarf with a hole to tuck it into). I’ve no idea what to do with them.

I assume it’s ok to ask advice about selling as not trying to sell them here? Where is the best place to sell?

I have uploaded a photo so hope that will show.
Thank you in advance for any advice. I just want them to go to someone who wants them.
Many thanks

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Hi, not sure where you are, but I’m in the U.K. and I don’t usually sell fur.. so when my grandmother died and I inherited similar items, I was in a similar position.

I was quite pleased to find that the local hospice (who coincidentally had looked after her, so seemed appropriate!) had a vintage section in their charity shop, and were happy to take the items to sell.

If it’s easier to donate you may find something similar near you?

Otherwise, agree with @bycinbyhand that there are fur sellers on fb if you wished to find a home for them that way. Or if not, a vintage clothes shop near you they could possibly direct you contact wise.
The last time we had a discussion about fur that couldn't be sold for one reason or another, a few posters suggested contacting local animal rescue groups to donate - IIRC, abandoned baby animals (puppies & kittens presumably) rest better nestled into fur than blankets.
Please don't "flame" me here; but when I've found furs in the past that were not necessarily in great shape, I've also sold them as "crafters/cutters".

That said; I'd hate to see nice, sound pieces turned into doll clothing and teddy bears; but animal(s) were used for those pelts and I hate to think they gave their all in vain if the pieces can still be cherished or loved by someone.