Wish me luck! I've re-joined the online Vintage selling community!


VFG Member
Wish me luck! I\'ve re-joined the online Vintage selling community!


I've been TRYING to wait for my website to be done -- but after one expensive fiasco and several more months of waiting for other options to pan out -- but I just can't wait any longer.

Soooo -- last week I opened a Ruby Lane shop... and today I listed several items on eBay (I know, I know). I am also considering listing some things on Etsy -- but still trying to work out what's best to list where.

I'm having a REALLY hard time getting back into the swing of things -- especially with descriptions! Ouch! It's been about over 2 years since I've sold ANYTHING online, and much longer since I did it regularly.
Wish me luck!

My RubyLane link is below -- and I'll be adding my eBay link in a minute (though my listings STILL aren't showing up!!)
Good luck Kristine! The Ruby Lane shop looks great--pretty stuff! :bouncy:
Thanks, gals!

You'll notice I didn't have the guts to do actual eBay AUCTIONS -- only fixed price listings. Oops! I think I forgot to add the "BEST OFFER" thing. I figure that's like a reverse auction :)

I'm skeered!! But I did pretty good -- I'm up to 17 things on RL and 3 on eBay. Today I might try to tackle Etsy with some more mid-ranged trendy.

I have a LOT of designer -- 50's - 80's.
Would that stuff be better on RL or Etsy? I'm not willing to risk designer on Ebay, I think. That really scares me for some reason... but maybe I'm being silly? Thoughts?
Good Luck!

if you just want to sale your items Ruby Lane and Etsy will do well, i think. If you want to create a brand and an image you have to rule your own shop.

Your Ruby Lane store looks great, Kristine! Congrats!

I think trendy stuff will do better on etsy.

I like etsy and RL and both are doing well for me. My ebay auctions all tank. I still have an ebay store but am debating whether it's worth it anymore. It still brings in some money but is a pain in the arse in so many ways. RL makes it very easy to list, the listing process I find even faster than etsy. I tried Market Publique and had a few sales but can't get any momentum going there. My own website is doing pretty well, though.

So for me, I'm doing my own site, etsy and RL - and that seems to be working.
