You in the 1980s!

There are a few Montrealers here on the VFG Karin, me included! :D

I don't have any 80's photos either as I was born in 1975 and was a dorky kid through all of the 80's :p

Whoo-hooo! Too bad I wasn't around on this board before I was in Montreal last autumn. Oh well, I got to do good shopping therapy anyway!

I just looked into my photo album... My mom keeps the family photos, so I don't have many from that time anyway. But I went to have a look at what I have:



Here are two from '82 - I think my mom's and dad's hairstyles and big glasses are pretty typical... My dad's jumper was probably one that my mother knitted herself. I still have one of those from the early 80s, dark blue, with a Fair Isle pattern, that she made for him - I took it when it didn't fit him anymore, and I gladly wear it every now and then.


And this is from '89 - mom brought me that dirndl dress home from Vienna, and I loved to wear it!

Oh gosh - LOVE these photos. Jonathan, yours really made me smile. I was farming in the 80's so no fashion statements there. This picture was taken the summer of 1980 with my son and husband. (It is a photo of a photo - scanner is kaput.)

Karin, no shop since 1989 except for 1 year 5 years ago which was actually sharing a shop space with some so called "friends"! Long sad story. Rents became very expensive for shops and although I would still love to open one, the going price these days is approximately $4000 - $5000 per month. Just can't afford that. I really would love to have one again. We had some great times in the ten years during the 80s when we ran one.
I don't hold it against anyone that they were too young in the 80s! :nana:

Connie, your look in that photo is so cool. Mary Jane was living the vintage dream!

Thank you so much for sharing these!
Originally posted by vivavintageclothing
Mary/vintagemerchant, is that Ken Mottet with you in the "rockabilly" photo? You both look fab!

yes, that's my (friend) Ken!

how do you know him? music scene? online?

this was taken on one on my trips "home" after moving to Hawaii ~ just prior to that move i had managed a b & m vintage shop in iowa city and Ken was one of my best customers, as well as THE BEST dancer ~ he had background in ballet and jazz so he tore up the dance floor and was an absolute BLAST to "play" with!!

he moved to chicago and plays music and fully lives vintage; drives vintage, his house and everything in it is vintage, obviously dresses vintage 24/7, not just for clubbing. i love him!!

think he's on one of those videos on one of Suzanne's threads here somewhere....
Maggie, I'm so looking forward to seeing your finished blog piece using these photos. Just to get the perspective from where I live in Manchester. The fashion of the time (like everywhere else) was heavily influenced by the music scene. There was a massive interest in rockabilly during the 80's but unlike today, there were so many different groups of kids so you'd know instantly the music they were into by the way they dressed. Rockabilly, punk, goth, indie, electro/dance music. Towards the end of the 80's the 'Madchester' dance scene was massive - baggy trousers/black bomber jackets/short skirts & stripy tights/Perry haircuts. That's it in a nutshell! :headbang:
Originally posted by cat123creative
Towards the end of the 80's the 'Madchester' dance scene was massive - baggy trousers/black bomber jackets/short skirts & stripy tights/Perry haircuts. That's it in a nutshell! :headbang:

Oh I wish I was able to scan a pic of my boyfriend circa 1987. I have a GREAT one of him looking JUST like this!
I have this on my me page just because. It was 1985 and my brothers wedding. I loved big shoulders, fitted dresses, white stockings, and stilletos. I do love eighties fashions but the white stockings I am not so sure about. I am pretty sure the dress is Norma Kamali. I know I saved for about a month to buy it and it was silk.

You're so cute!

I yearned for Norma Kamali in the 80s...still have no trouble with the looks she made in that era.
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Me, on the left with my sister. This was my vintage sweater and bowtie phase.

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I'm on the right, wearing a dress I made from Liberty fabric. I remember how I splurged and bought it at $12 a yard. It now costs $36 a yard!

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This sweater was a gift from my dh. I think he was tired of all the little 50s cashmeres and wanted to see me in some puffy sleeves! Little nephew Andy is now 30!


Great photo's everyone. Yeah I was a bit o punk/artsy gal in the 80s. I had a trade going on with my hairdresser, so I had a ton of styles in the 80's. Can't seem to find the one with my blond fin and fur coat, mom probably has it.
:headbang: Everything from pouf to vintage to punk here!

I'm hoarding your photos and hope to be able to use some to put together something very 80s in look for my blog. I'm not going to use names, just images. I'll ask you via U2U before I use your photo sometime later in the week or next week.

Got any more? :camera:
I'm robbing my mom's photo albums and scanning some today :) LOVE LOVE LOVE all your 80's pics, I think I might be younger than Vickie lol or pretty darn close to the same :) Be back later.
Great earrings Linda! Do you still have them?

It's a pity that more photos aren't showing up - this thread is very old and probably came from the old forums, where the formatting hasn't carried over as well. I'm tempted to dig up some of my '80s pics although I don't look very different and wore vintage for most of it.