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  1. Another Time Antiques

    Your kid's clothing is about to become illegal!

    This is an excellent reference web blog that really takes an indepth look at the questions regarding used / vintage: If you haven't written to your legislators yet, please do so ASAP!
  2. Another Time Antiques

    2nd hand market and CPSIA

    ha! I looked in several boards BUT that one!!!! Thanks for the heads up. Oh's an important topic so double exposure can't be bad. Suggest anyone that sees this thread to post comments on Jenn's thread above!
  3. Another Time Antiques

    2nd hand market and CPSIA

    I'm just wondering if you are aware of the issues and arguments against the proposed CPSIA - Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act, CPSIA. In a nutshell: any product sold for children 12 and younger will have to be tested for lead and phthalates, and anything that isn’t tested (or that...
  4. Another Time Antiques

    My friends "lightbulb" moment~

    I have to say that back (OH lord) in the mid 1970s the biggest reason vintage clothes were catching on like hotcakes was exactly that is was the "Goodwill" shop of the Designer Level!! Terrific style, fabulous cuts, dramatic looks, and many designer labels at a fraction of the cost! I...
  5. Another Time Antiques

    You Can Help the VFG

    Linda .....does Etsy have an affliliate link?
  6. Another Time Antiques

    Fun Hats and More Jewels at Etsy!

    Just finished a bunch more listings and now stocked with over 80 items in my Etsy Store: Latest additions: Super cocktail hat Chimney Vent Hat! LOL Fun 1930s black wool...
  7. Another Time Antiques

    Born Too Late Vintage is closing its doors

    oH another kindred sister! Closing it all down??? Come on Marge.....gotta give us more info. What cha got "in store" LOL
  8. Another Time Antiques

    New Sparkles Coming to my Etsy Store!

    Stay tuned......these will be on board at my Etsy shop this week! <img src=> <img src=> <img src=> <img...
  9. Another Time Antiques

    December 8***VFG Fashion Parade***Vintage Jewelry

    Tis the season <img src=> <img src=> <img src=> <img src=> <img...
  10. Another Time Antiques

    Sassy REd Corduroy Coat

    I don't think a Red Hat lady would be complete without this fun walk-about coat!! 1950s Lord & Taylor in Red
  11. Another Time Antiques

    Vote for Vintage! (denisebrain's October theme) give me goosebumps with your endless well of quality creativity!
  12. Another Time Antiques

    Contentment Farm Lots on eBay

    ypiippeeee..........look at all dem bids!!!! You go girl! Yahoo... there is vintage shopping world left in ebay!!!!!!!:drinkingtoast:
  13. Another Time Antiques

    Sept 21 Couture Auction in IL

    Just for your viewing fun, here is the link to the Leslie Hindman Vintage Couture auction on Sept 21. Always interesting to watch such events!
  14. Another Time Antiques

    Holy Cow!!! 19 jewel listings at once!

    Nope - haven't lost my mind....... but you should take advantage of this end of month listing bonanza! Have an exposive whimsy feeling today now that the shop is closed! :sunshine: (Almost) all vintage funky earrings!! Earrings Galore!! All Starting at .99 to go! 1950s Square...
  15. Another Time Antiques

    Announcing the Grand Opening!

    Sydney - I just love the new energy in that just keeps circling this business field! Have watched/played/worked/played in this wonderful vintage business since the 70s and it's thrilling to see new blood ...still...bringing it to life again and again! Congrats to you and the best of luck...
  16. Another Time Antiques

    Funky 60s Color Jewelry Groups - 2 to go!

    Add a little splash to your wardrobe accessories!! Both lots now live in auction! <img src=> Viva la Orange <img src=> The Blues
  17. Another Time Antiques

    June 9***VFG Fashion Parade***Let's Get Patriotic

    Accessorize! Lapel Pin for the politically minded <img src=> (sold) <img src=> 320265264057 <img src=> (sold) <img...
  18. Another Time Antiques

    Aww so cute bathing suit!

    yeah.........and I want that Etsy store!!! Looks great Carrie!
  19. Another Time Antiques

    Aww so cute bathing suit!

    Summer is here - and I guess being a grandma makes me really go aaaawwww on this little cutie! <img src=> Item #320258114657 And here's some more items up for sale this week! Made in Italy for Jana wood/plastic beaded bag. <img...
  20. Another Time Antiques

    May 18***VFG Fashion Parade***Vintage Jewelry

    Sweet Samplings from Another Time All available thru my store <img src=> <img src=> <img src=> <img...
  21. Another Time Antiques

    jewels, jewels, and more jewels!

    Up for Grabs with No Reserves at auction this week. Pink/AB Rhinestones/Faux Pearl Flower Earrings 1960s NR 320254431061 $3.99 50s W Germany Vintage Confetti Plastic Flower Earrings 370053547932 $0.99 Vintage Van Dell 12K GF...
  22. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian Mourning Brooch

    So many items are often referred to as mourning just because they are black. People tend to forget that "black" became a high fashion color, perhaps because of Victoria's mourning period, but did not mean that everything black was for mourning. This little fellow is definitely...
  23. Another Time Antiques

    Finding the BEST Vintage on

    Just registered!...........oooohhh one step closer!!!
  24. Another Time Antiques

    Victorian Mourning Brooch

    Because this type of Victorian jewelry is so rare, I thought I'd share it here: <img src=> The full details/listing are here It is not perfect, as we would always love them to be, but it is very unique and worth a read! Such type...
  25. Another Time Antiques

    Look what moved to Fixed Price--

    I moved them to Fixed Price listing - all end by next week. Take advantage - several are reduced! (copy item number and paste into eBay search box - or just use the store link below) Vintage Pin 14K Yel Gold & 6mm Pearl Big Flower 370049871658 $180.00 1800s Victorian Ladies...
  26. Another Time Antiques

    May 5***VFG Fashion Parade***Vintage Purses and Handbags

    Antique Purses from Another Time Civil War era bag in silvered lustre beads. It has missing beads on sides near frame, but intact as is. Silverplate repousse frame AND BELT Clip! $165 Look for this purse in my eBay store! Arts & Crafts era cloth embroidered & paint tinted clutch bag...
  27. Another Time Antiques

    30 Auctions going..........

    If I put pictures here of everything up for auction this week, it would be waaaaaaayyyyyyy too long! (some are not fashion, but the big majority are!) So I'm popping in to say Hello! You really oughta pop in for a visit this week! and ......that's so because I'm in a spring cleaning...
  28. Another Time Antiques

    Polyester Ensemble & j e w e l s.......

    I've listed more jewels than clothes this week ..but here's a fun summer ensemble: <img src=> and the jewels --- well too many to put all here so you gotta go look at my jewelry department!! We're rather dazzling, ma dear...
  29. Another Time Antiques

    The News page at Another Time & hats!

    and check these hats! Just added today: <img src=> <img src=>